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Before it used to start right away.. But every since yesterday I had to start the car for at least 3 seconds then it starts..


I think the spark plugs are pass due? Im the 2nd owner of the car. I got it at 62K miles. It now has 72K on it now, I don't know if the plugs have been changed or not.. What do you guys thing?


If need be I can provide a short sound sample.. It happens just about every start-up But not right after you cut the car off. But if you wait like 30 Sec then it will do it again.

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Well I found out what the problem was... "SPARK PLUGS"


I and knew it was time.. my mom is lucky she has a son that loves Subaru's :) but the 98 Forester L has a DOHC.. and the Spark plug wires were a Major pain in the rump roast... No Joke.. I tired almost everything.. I don't know if these wires were the ones that came with the car.. They are Red and the boot part that you pull on to take it off the spark plug well thats stupid to make it rubber because each time I pulled it would slip from my fingers.


But yes I replaced and put Bosh Plats in the car.. I took out the old plugs and checked the gap.. It was at 0.047 in the maunal it says 0.039 to 0.043 man that thing going crazy trying to keep a spark...


I think it's normal for Subarus but seems the car is running on the rich side.

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