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Rain Soaked Driver's Footwell

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My 95 Legacy Wagon sat outside in the rain all weekend and when I got in this morning the rugs were soaked on the drivers side. I had this happen over the summer in heavy rains, and I thought I fixed it by clearing leaves from a drain. The drain I cleaned off was a plastic piece with a hole in the bottom (about the size of a pencil eraser) that sits at the bottom of the driver's side windshield wiper arm. I just cleaned out a couple of more leaves, but wonder if there is a way to more thouroughly clean the drain. It doesn't seem to go straight down as I tried to puch a small stick in there and just cleared out this piece of plastic on top, but can't see where the water goes once it gets below this piece. Can this plastic piece with the hole about the size of a pencil eraser be removed for more thorough cleaning below it? Any other thoughts?

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Open the door, and clean out the the front inside fenderwell at a do it wourself car wash. Also under the door there are door drains, clean those out on both sides, as well as teh fenders. AT teh same car wash with a freind, let him use the high pressure wash and see if you can tell where the water is coming from.


There is the possability that the ac drain is cloged, b ut i dont think that would affect the drivers side. Also its possible that you can have a windshild leak.



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That hole is just the cowl cover. You might have more debris in the cowl tray which is located underneath. To get to it, you will first need to remove the wipers. You will see a rubber strip running along the edge of the cowl cover under the hood. There are clips that are mounted into the rubber and they are clipped thru holes in the cowl. You will understand when you look at it. Then there are clips (6 I think?) that are mounted to the underside of the cowl cover near the base of the windshield. These are released by sneaking a door panel tool between the glass and the cowl cover. BE CAREFUL not to break your windshield!! Once located, get the tool as close to the clip as possible and give it a pop and it will release.A door panel tool will help you tremendously to remove everything. Work the cowl cover out of your way and you should find the actual drains at each end. Check for debris. If you don't find any debris or the drains are clearly open, it is a good time to run some water in different areas to try and narrow down the possible problem. With that said, you probably want to do that first. Try running water heavy! if it is going to leak, make it leak so you can find it! Just keep it manageable so you can target an area at a time. Pulling the carpet back and clearing some trim away from the drivers floor/kick panel will make things a lot easier as well.

On another note, had a customer today with a 90 Accord leaking in the trunk. Antenna, spoiler mounts, tailights in trunk and body and also license plate screws were ALL leaking. So many possibilities!!!

P.S. Do you ever get west of phila? I am in York. If you do, I would be happy to check it out for you. I average about 5 of these (not subes!) a week so I am well versed at finding these nuisances. Just a thought.

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Thanks, but York is a bit far for me. I am going to take it to a local shop to see if they can clean out that drain.


I tried to get up the water with a vacuum at the car wash with little success. Tomorrow I am going to put a space heater in the footwell and let it run to try to dry it out and hope I don't get a lot of mildew smell. If that doesn't work, are there any inexpensive options to replace the carpet? The dealer said $650 for all new carpet installed.

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