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Options for 90 loyale


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Ok my brother just picked up a 90 loyale that used to be turbo but is now spfi.


this car has a few things that im not familliar with that i was hoping you guys might know what are.


Fisrt it has a light in the dash that is seperate from the turbo that reads "Power", Light comes on with ignition but goes off after started and comes on again with the pedal depreesed.


Has a button below the gear indacator (Auto Tranny) thats says "hold 1st" and also a threaded post with a large wing nut simaler to the spare tire under the hood but smaller in the cargo area in the very back.


I'm not to smart on the newer stuff, i try to stay EA81 as much as possible.


Any idea's anyone?

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The "hold first" button just shifts the tranny into 1st gear, like you can do with the shift lever on most other cars.


I haven't a clue about the light.


I've been told the wingnut thing is used to retain a flat tire in the back of the car.

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I've never had a Subaru with a 4EAT... but from my experience with automatic trannys in Japanese cars, the Power light is for "power" mode in the transmission- when you drive it hard, it goes into this mode, letting the engine rev higher before shifting gears for more acceleration.

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Trogdor may be right about the Power Light, I am not sure, but I know it is also used for reading Transmission Codes. As for the nut in the back I am thinking that holds the Jack in place. Is it in the drivers side rear cargo panel? I dont have my 90 Loyale anymore but I do remember the Jack being there. Hope that info is helpful.

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Trogdor may be right about the Power Light, I am not sure, but I know it is also used for reading Transmission Codes. As for the nut in the back I am thinking that holds the Jack in place. Is it in the drivers side rear cargo panel? I dont have my 90 Loyale anymore but I do remember the Jack being there. Hope that info is helpful.


No, it is in the floor about a foot from driver side in the back, close to the compartemt your taking about, I don't belive it's for a tire, the wing nut is to small to fit outside of the hole in the middle.


i would say the wing nut is about an inch wide.

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