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Faulty Choke (revised thread)

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Hard start in the morning due to choke not fully closing. Before I start it, I open the air filter lid and check the position of the choke plate to make sure its closed. Its not all the way closed.....so I try to push it closed....it won't close all the way....not because its stuck, but because it looks like the choke plate is too big and will not physicaly close all the way....I know its not right because I have another older carb sitting around and the plate on this one does close all the way (meaning the plate is sitting completely flat....unlike my current one which closes only to about 15 degrees from flat). Could I have the incorrect choke plate installed on my hitachi carb? If so, what can I do about it apart from buying a new carb....which is silly being that the carb is not even a year old. Or is there a way to adjust the plate to make it fit right so it will close properly.



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Hard start in the morning due to choke not fully closing. Before I start it, I open the air filter lid and check the position of the choke plate to make sure its closed. Its not all the way closed.....so I try to push it closed....it won't close all the way....not because its stuck, but because it looks like the choke plate is too big and will not physicaly close all the way....I know its not right because I have another older carb sitting around and the plate on this one does close all the way (meaning the plate is sitting completely flat....unlike my current one which closes only to about 15 degrees from flat). Could I have the incorrect choke plate installed on my hitachi carb? If so, what can I do about it apart from buying a new carb....which is silly being that the carb is not even a year old. Or is there a way to adjust the plate to make it fit right so it will close properly.



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