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Idle question ?



I recently bought 2004 Outback ltd. 2.5L, 4Cyl, Auto. Very happy so far, but noticed that, when at a red light, foot on the Brake, ideal dips below 750rpm (A/C is off). As soon as I remove my foot from the brake or put car into Neutral, Idle goes back to 750. Is this normal ?



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I called Subaru Tech, they said its normal, nothing to worry about. He Suggested next oil change I have mechanic look at it. I have not seen this in any other car I have driven. I am not so sure its nothing?

Anyone with 2004 Outback 2.5L, 4 Cyl engine, if you can please let me know if your car is performing in same manner. That would be great.


good day,



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