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Water pump driving me crazy


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My water pump is driving me nuts, I own an old 87 Sportswagon ( EA82 ) which is doing good apart from I can't seem to make it pump happy,


Story so far,


I have replaced the pump due to leaking around edge, discovered leak was due to damaged thread on bolts,


1 month later small outlet pipe leaked so had to remove air con etc to replace and now another month later its leaking again.


I have just got home so I'm not 100% sure but from the angle its coming out it would appear that the O'ring has blown on the big pipe.


I'm going insane.


Does the pump simply offer an in and out service to pipes, if so there is nothing stopping me from taking off the pump and smashing it with a HUGE hammer and fitting an electric one with all new pipes.


Please I'm begging for someone to tell me its OK - I want to put all my anger into it.


Alternatively, is there anyway of securing the oil seal better, its already a new seal ( changed with the pump ), and it was fitted correctly ( to be best of my knowledge ).


So in a nut shell - is there anything stopping me from fitting an electric pump ? or is there a better way to secure the O'ring seal ?




Scoobies rule ( apart from the water pumps )

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I usually put a nice bead of RTV outside of the O-ring (one of VERY few places I use RTV) as a backup. I'd almost wonder if your radiator cap is allowing too much pressure to build up, as that O-ring seal might be one of the first places to leak if there was a lot of pressure in the system.

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I guess anything is possible, the cap was replaced about 6 months ago, This add's another question then, is there anywy of knowing what the water pressure is in the system. I also replaced the thermostat about 6 months ago, if that stayed shut could the pressure build up and blow. I'm in Australia so really I could just take it out, its not as if its ever cold over here


It did blow in a spectacular way so maybe the pressure is responsible however I don't trust the water pump seal method on the larger pipe. I might talk to a plumber and see if I can get my hands on a water pressure meter.

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Don't take the thermostat out. I'm not positive if this is the case with Subarus, but on most engines, if you remove the stat, the water flows through the radiator and engine too fast to effectively transfer heat, so the engine overheats.


Pressure test the rad cap just to make sure. Or just replace it since they're cheap. Same goes for the thermostat. I've had brand new stats be faulty before.

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OK well that makes sense I guess. I will replace the thermostat and the cap but if I can't replace the water pump with a electrical one I need a better way of securing the larger pipe. I feel like directly after the O ring it needs another seal like maybe a rubber heat shrink seal or even something like plumbers tape but definately something more than just gasget putty.


I feal the need to seal it properly once and for all so its not an option. I just don't trust it.

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I guess you have developed 20-20 hindsight.


You should have been advised to replace that small bent rubber hose and also the O-ring at the same time you replaced the water pump. These parts are very inexpensive, but the labour to get to them is too much. Therefore, replace the parts when they're accessible.

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Cool, well for now I have resealed the O'ring and have used some gasget paste to ensure it doesn't blow again, I have also changed Rad Cap's. The bolt that holds the water pump metal pipe wasn't allowing it to go all the way in so I have made another hole in the plate and now the pipe goes all the way down.


I guess I will have to watch this space and see what the future brings, I still want to replace the pump with an electrical one but I guess I will have to wait until I see an EA82 out on a bench to work out if its possible.


Thanks to everyone that offered advise you have made a Sydney boy very happy :-)



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