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woah...seafoam stuff really seems to work!

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Hi Subaru folks,

As part of the doing-everything-beneficial-as-I-can-given-tools-nerve-and-expertise to my 96 automatic outback I figured I'd give the Seafoam stuff a try given the hesitation I was experiencing. I added a third a can to my crankcase.....a third thru the PCV valve...and a third to the tank. For starters the idle was lowered to 600rpm.....pinging I would hear going up hill disappeared.....and when I drained the oil after 200 miles it looked like crude oil. It was scary to see all that crap come out of the pan.


The only odd thing was the horrendous squealing noise I heard when taking it for a spin after sucking in the seafoam thru the pcv valve and idling for 15 minutes....my guess was that it was freed carbon deposits getting between some moving parts.....its disappeared after a few minutes, tho.


That in combination with new plugs and wires made a heck of a difference in this 150k mile outback...neither plugs nor wires had been changed in 150k miles. She gets 26 highway with lots of pickup and power.


One word of warning......the pcv valve burped on me when the engine stalled spraying the seafoam everywhere.....including my eyes. I don't know if the valve is faulty or what........I sure wasn't expecting that. Be careful.




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I just had my mechanic use seafoam on my 99 legacy at 69k. It cured an annoying hesitation issue. I dont know how to use seafoam myself. I understand 1/3 in the gas but you put 1/3 in the pvc valve? and 1/3 in the oil? Sounds easy if this is true. I would like to know so I can do it to me other cars???

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I just had my mechanic use seafoam on my 99 legacy at 69k. It cured an annoying hesitation issue. I dont know how to use seafoam myself. I understand 1/3 in the gas but you put 1/3 in the pvc valve? and 1/3 in the oil? Sounds easy if this is true. I would like to know so I can do it to me other cars???


Read the directions and follow accordingly. Personally, I don't know that you want to do it nearly as often as they say (o2 sensors...) but I use it sparingly.


IF you add to the crankcase, you should only drive about 100-200 miles. Will dry out the oil QUICK.


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Read the directions and follow accordingly. Personally, I don't know that you want to do it nearly as often as they say (o2 sensors...) but I use it sparingly.


IF you add to the crankcase, you should only drive about 100-200 miles. Will dry out the oil QUICK.


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So the fact that I've gone like 1000 miles is bad?

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