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My 95 Legacy LSi wagon has only 70K miles, but at 10+ years I was thinking it is time to replace hoses, etc. My shopping list includes:



Upper and Lower Radiator Hoses


Heater Hoses

Heater Control Valve


Is there anything else that is part of the cooling system that should be replaced at the same time?


Should I stick with Subaru parts from the discount Subaru dealer online or are after market parts just as good?

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ive never seen a heater control valve go bad, how is the water pump. I always got my radiators from raidiator.com i like them good prices and they will adive you if a betteor bogger raditor will fit in the car then stock.


i like them.


You may also want to inspect your colling fan motors and see how they look and spin.




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John, stick with Genuine Subaru parts. They are very high quality - they did last ten years after all!


The only parts I swap with non-Sube parts are the front brake discs and pads. Subaru parts aren't bad, but I take my car on tracks and need the extra performance.

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