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digidash replace

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you mean connectors between the two years or between digi and analog?


both :/


I also have an 85 twagon, I don't recall right now how the connectors were different, I just know they are.


Also, the two two dashes (analog vs. digital) usually have different gauges in them. ie, my 85 digi doesn't have oil pressure or voltage, but my 91 loyale (same as GLs) have both voltage & oil pressure.


Here's a thread where he does a similar swap http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21881&highlight=dash+swap


so yes, it can be done, but it's not just plug & play.

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I have done the swap from an analog 89 RX dash to an 86 turbo wagon, digi, and it took some time. Here is a gallery that has pics of the swap and the haness that I had to fabricate. Basically you have to do a lot of splicing wires and figgureing out the circuits. Not trying to discurrage you but you might be able to use some of my notes as a guide. Feel free to ask any questions. I might have some more pics if you need them and I have a 86 FSM wireing guild if you need some pics of it to help you out.



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