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MidWest II

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There was some fairly non-comittal talk of another Mid West (read Iowa) gathering, I recall October being mentioned?

Anybody interested in doing this again? (not necessairily in Oct.)

These things seem to take a bit of time to properly organize, so I thought I'd throw the idea out there to get the ball rolling.

Start with possible dates/ timeframes that would work for people. (even the more didstant future)

Any time is good for me.......:banana:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was hoping for something in October as well but, like McBrat, I have no time between work and life :( I still need to get in my 4WD tranny and drive shaft! Now we are on 10 hour days here due to "Operations Tempo" so spring is sounding more realistic :)


Maybe at the start of the wet season so we can all play in the mud? :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Spring is creeping up on us.

We should start getting some preliminary plans in order soon. If we have enough warning, I think we should be able to get a pretty decent gathering together.

Personally, I'd like to see some wheelin', but I know that can be a bit of a tall order 'round here.

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Iowa would be perfect!


Camping and offroading would be ideal. Maybe we could find a place that has both on site.


April-June would be nice. I wont be able to make the WCSS 6 becuase my wife is going to Vegas during that time frame (late july early august)

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