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winter beater gets some goodies .

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well i have pretty harsh winters up here in canada . and i really enjoy driving in them lol . and to celebrate my first subaru for the winter it got some goodies












out side are hella 500 driing lights and the inners are hella 500 fogs , they work pretty good but need to be aimed a bit more .

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yea there very stable


they dont even shake much


the bracket goes under the grille and attatches to the top of the inner bumper (there was some metal in there ) i made the bar and all that


pretty simple stuff but it was time consuning, took about 5 hours from start to finsih but im very happy with the way it turned out


i can post a how to if some people want (im a big diy guy on the honda forums )

i never have much money so i construtc alot of things

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makes a big difference , ive had lots of cheap fog lights in my life and all they ever did was put out some much glare they were useless in a snow storm , i can tell already these a good quality since i tune them all on and visiosn improves lol


the driving light a wish were a bit of a wider beam but that why i went with te fogs for up close


the poor headlights dont even look like there on :brow:

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I have FF1000 lights on the front of my Legacy. They do vibrate a little, but it doesn't bother me. The bar they are mounted on is bent up, and over, and attached to the radiator mount.





Here is a photo of a car from nasioc with almost the same exact setup that I have: Here is a link to the thread on NASIOC, http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=673117&page=1&pp=25&highlight=ff1000



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those look nise , i wanted the 1000 but didnt have the money for 4 of them .


my bracket is very simalair but i kept the bar going into the grille as short as possible to minimize shaking . mine is only about 4 inches long


ill get some more pics today

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