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Can anyone fill me in as to why Subaru overlooks sometime the obvious. For example the climate controls and stock radio, why did they fail to illuminate these things for night drivers? At first I had thought that it was just my car, but now that I have a Legacy Wagon and an Outback, I see that it is a just a retarded design flaw. How did they manufacture the second generation Legacies for soo long without rectifying this?

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As far as I know, the climate controls and radio are illuminated until the bulb behind them burns out. The real design flaw is the fact that the bulb is suceptible to this burnout, and it's more trouble than it's worth to tear the dash out to replace the bulb. An improvement in the design would be either A.) making the bulb last longer or B.) making it simple to replace. This bulb in my '95 Legacy as well as my parent's '98 Legacy burned out years ago. We're waiting for my dad's '97 Impreza to burn out.


Brian M.

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I agree with what Legacy777 said, but you're sure it's not just a burnt out bulb?


In my 97 OB (we're talking 2nd gen Legacy, correct?) the buttons that let you choose where the air is flowing used to be illuminated and now the light has burnt out. This is a common occurrence in these cars (a search will confirm). The lights in the seat heater rocker switches have burnt out also.


Also, you can adjust the level of dash illumination, IIRC to four settings, by rotating a knob on one of the steering column stalks. I'm assuming you've verified that's not turned down all the way.



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Well I also have a 97 OBW, and never realized that at one point in time these buttons where illuminated. I also have a 96 Legacy and like the outback when purchased the buttons where also not illuminated, so I just assumed that it was the design. I guess I was wrong, from reading your post. but how come the lights in the dashboard dont burn out? Do they use a better bulb?




I agree with what Legacy777 said, but you're sure it's not just a burnt out bulb?


In my 97 OB (we're talking 2nd gen Legacy, correct?) the buttons that let you choose where the air is flowing used to be illuminated and now the light has burnt out. This is a common occurrence in these cars (a search will confirm). The lights in the seat heater rocker switches have burnt out also.


Also, you can adjust the level of dash illumination, IIRC to four settings, by rotating a knob on one of the steering column stalks. I'm assuming you've verified that's not turned down all the way.



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Can anyone fill me in as to why Subaru overlooks sometime the obvious. For example the climate controls and stock radio, why did they fail to illuminate these things for night drivers? At first I had thought that it was just my car, but now that I have a Legacy Wagon and an Outback, I see that it is a just a retarded design flaw. How did they manufacture the second generation Legacies for soo long without rectifying this?


DO a search on climate control These bulbs burn out way too fast, use the radioshack replacement. No one fixes them because the dealer wants to sell you entire units, not just the bulbs.



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DO a search on climate control These bulbs burn out way too fast, use the radioshack replacement. No one fixes them because the dealer wants to sell you entire units, not just the bulbs.




My former dealer wanted $170 to replace the bulb. Took it to a local Subaru specialist who did it for $40. I was content.

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hehe well then youll hate me when i say it costs me 6.00.





a do it yourself job?


i'm lucky so far(knocks on wood) only bulb i had to replace is headlights.no instrument lights.


i have a 94 legacy and climate control lights up.i think you have some bulbs out.


this reminds me,i gotta replace the ash tray bulb.

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Our '96 had the same problem. Thanks to this board I realized that the bulbs were the culprit. I bought replacements from the dealer and installed them in a half hour or so. It wasn't particularly difficult; one just has to be patient with all those dashboard parts.




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