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Cheap lift


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Depending on where "international" is....


Scorpion in Australia / NZ


Ozified or AA in the US



I personally have 2 lifts from Ozified and have had no problems with either.




You forgot BYB in Australia, it seems to be a fair bit cheaper then Scorpion.


You could always make yourself one if you know how to weld. Problem there is I figured it to cost $250 to $300 Aus$ for the parts needed. One ready to go in only costs $400 Aus$'s.


Where abouts are you?

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try checking out pictures of lift kits for ideas.

use 4mm to 5mm thick square tube. Also use a 3mm to 4mm thick round tube in the middle of the blocks big enough to fit the bolts thru them. If you are going bigger then 4" I suggest doing what most do and weld a bit of the square tubing from block to block to make it stonger. I have seen a few homemade 6" lifts, but I can't remember any addresses. Oh, try looking at SubaruBrats site.


Hope that helps.

P.S. my 2" lift seems to only be made out of 2mm thick square tubing :-/

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If you wait about a week we are running a group buy, you can get a lift for probably the low $300 range from us. If you build your own their is some guess work involved like getting the camber right on the front strut extensions, knowing how far to lower the tranny crossmembers (2.5 to 3" inches max) so you can still use your dual range without adding extra fabrication to the linkage. Also the bolts are a bit hard to find and spendy if you go grade 8 we spend $60 a set for each lift and we buy bulk. Some people have done very applaudable jobs on some huge custom lifts. Jon mudrat for one is notorious for building 8-10 inch lifted rigs (although I don't know if they are streetable), so thats always an option. I would do some research before I made a purchase to see what fits your particular use, because all lifts are not created equal.

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if you could get a look at a installed lift there pretty easy to duplicate, the only "tricky" part is the front strut top extention , needs to be built as to not change the stock wheel camber , you can do 2" without much work, check this thread has a few pictures ,http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=46508

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There was a article in the repair manual off the homepage link above. The author welded his own tops and showed how he did the whole thing.


The link has been down but maybe somebody had saved the page and could post it here?


I've been looking for it.




Can you make your own as backyard job? if there was some instructions of where and how?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Im in Denver and we have a lift here thats about ready for the public. If you want to come see my car with the lift installed on it PM me. The lift is 4" and adds a frame under the whole vehicle....special with this lift. I have an 83 Wagon so pretty much the same car as yours.

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just make your own there is enough general info on the lifts around the site if you look around long enough, i know somewheres there is pics of both the AA lift and the PK lift, as well as the page with the homemade lift.


im in the process of making a simple homemade 2 to 3 inch lift out of 2 inch square steel tubing, just been figuring out on the camber as well, its slow going for me right now since im in the process of my benz project at the same time

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