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My wife is really tired of the stock seat in her 98 OBW and I am looking for an aftermarket one that will fit well and is somewhat easy on the pocket. $100 or so, does anybody know of a few that slide easy and look good installed. Also I have never purchased a seat and am weiry of getting one online and having it.


A: not fit correctly


B: not feel good on the back after a few hours sitting in it.


Would it be smarter to go to a local shop and test them out first? Any info would be greatly appreciated

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There is a thread here on this subject, esu the search. Almost any seat will fit in, yu just need to have a bracket made up to match thye holes.

Last i read the thread i think the guy went with a pair of seats from a volvo.



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Hey, I'm in SLC, welcome to the USMB.


As novakaine mentioned, WRX seats are often installed in Legacies, I'd suggest considering that too. IIRC they sit a bit higher so if she's really tall (or you are and you want to drive the car) you might check into that. You should check out www.nasioc.com and select the Rocky Mountain forum, ask around there to see if any locals have seats for sale. You can usually get a good deal from a local member, and I'm thinking it'd be a pain to ship seats anyway.


What doesn't she like about the stock seats?



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Thanks for the replies! It seems the gears on the outside bottom that hold the position of the seat are worn and it leans further back then it should. She also has back problems which doesn't help.


I will check that local area forum and see if I can't get some WRX seats from around here. I can also take her to a dealer and have her sit a WRX and see if she likes them.


Thanks for the good suggestions and I'm glad to be a member here. Lots of good info on our Subaru's!

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Keep in mind almost any seat from legacy or impreza from 1990(leggy) 1993 (Impreza) right up to now will fit with no modification. If she is finding the current seats a little harsh she'll likely feel the same way about WRX seats. I'd really recommend a set of Impreza RS seats(1998-2002). There are lots of them around and they'd certainly be in your budget. I got mine for 150 cdn. Lots of the Forester seats have adjustable lumbars as well, but they would likely sit too high.

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The seat has lumbar support and height adjustment. I just read the tread on the seat problem from last month and it doesn't really cover what fits and what doesn't. I tried ebay and couldn't find anything in my area. Screw paying $150.00 for shipping! I'll take her to a dealer this week and see if seh likes the WRX. But I'm sure the price will be hefty for one. I called the junk yards and they don't have anything that new.

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You will get owned at the dealer for a new seat. Expect to pay in the neighbourhood of $1500-$1600. Keep in mind any aftermarket seat will be performance oriented and therefore stiff and rigid. WRX seats are certainly milder but they are very uncomfortable for any longer than about an hour.

I've been through it dude, RS seats are they way to go. Fit wise almost anything will bolt right up, just keep in mind that different seats sit higher/lower.

Check for local Subaru forums. You may be able to hook-up with someone selling a set. I'm in Toronto and there are like three sets for sale on the Toronto boards. Dave

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