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Grinding Noise - Rear Left Wheel

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Hi Guys,


Long time no post, sadly I have given the Subaru to my little brother who is currently looking to mod the hell out of it, like his brother before him and ....etc etc...


Anyway we took it for a drive, next thing you know we hear this consistent noise coming from rear left wheel arch - changes with speed and when you go really slow it is actually three - six separate 'click's as though metal is grindingn on metal. It got a hell of a lot worse very quickly, and only does it when there is pressure on this side - i.e. turning right. There is no sound while turning left and no sound while rotating the wheel on a jack.


I assume it's a driveshaft / CV issue - any ideas on how to narrow that down?





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First thing to check is the axle nut. It needs to be TIGHT (145 ft/lbs). If that's loose, it will make all sorts of nasty sounds.


If it turns out that it is tight, it could be a few different things:

-splines on the hub/axle stub wearing out, caused by a loose axle nut (I'm repairing this on my car tomorrow)

There should be rather wide 'flat spot' on top of each spline. If they're sharp, they're worn out.


-and finally CV/axle going out.

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When I was in Iraq, my son heard the same kind of noise but ignored it. Until the wheel came off at 70 mph on the freeway. Check the axle nut. When you do, take a look at the conical washer. They often have a ridge worn in them, which will keep you from acheiving the proper torque. If it does have a ridge, you can take it off with a file.

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