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Winch on 87 GL 3-door?

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Some one help me figure out i could mount a Winch on my car, by brother took it off his truck, (he got a bigger one!:cool:), any way, i want to mount it some where on the front, i will make a push bar if i need to, but i want some help, its a superwinch s3500, so here is a diagram of the size. s3500-03512dims.jpg

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How are your welding skills?

How are your friends welding skills?

You could make your own custom bar?

Shop for ideas on what other people have done and decide what works best for you?


Food for thought,


82 SubaruHummer

84 GL Mad Max

01 Forester

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How are your welding skills?

How are your friends welding skills?

You could make your own custom bar?

Shop for ideas on what other people have done and decide what works best for you?

My welding skills are good, my friends are good, and yeah, that what the whole idea was, but i can't find anything, Even if some one could post a diagram of a push bar/mounting system they have, and i will reconstruct it.

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You could design your own with out the dimensions.


Your just going to measure the distance between your factory tie down hooks (loops). These hooks are removed to and you will use those holes, in your frame, for your push bar mounts. So whatever that distance is?


Here is another pic to go with your first pic, You should be able to see the mounting plates and match those to the ones already on your vehicle.

There are also some mounting points that will connect to your bumper.

You can see those in the pic too.




You can do it!


82 SubaruHummer

84 GL Mad Max

01 Forester

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out of curiousity, how much strength does the stock bumper have on a 93 vintage loyale? I thought about mounting one to the bumper just for assisting if I got stuck in snow. Nothing like holding the entire car's weight or anything.


it might hold the weight of the winch, but thats it, those stock bumpers are absolutely no where near strong enough to attach a winch to.



Ozmodiar, check out http://www.ausubaru.com, they will be able to point you in the right direction as far as what you can find down under.

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The bumper on my 1982 was a 2.5 mph crash rating.

Because it was classed as a truck it didn't even need to be 5 mph!

The Foresters are classed as trucks also.


I wouldn't trust your front bumper for anything.

Even the tie-down points are useless for pulling.

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Down under? im in the white north. And where on there?


Never mind, i had it in my head that Regina was in oz, along with the OZ in your screename.


In North America, you can try a few places that will make them strong enough,


TWB, or "Soobme" built the bumpers i have, and although i've never tested them they are more than stout. They used to be on his car, so maybe he has a testimonial that could go along with them.


Mudrat79, Although at times his work can be painfully slow, he is an honest guy and his products are good quality. If you're in no rush, he's a good choice.


Allied armament also has what you are looking for, although some of their early bumpers lacked the beef that is necessary, their newer models have many people happy.

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