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Problem with hesitation on Weber DGV/ DGAV Series

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There is a problem that you guys should know about regarding HESITATION on acceleration or when the secondary opens.


Sometimes the discharge tube in the auxilliary venturi loosens in the aluminum housing. Several things may happen.


1)the tube slides into the body of the carb

2)the tube spins around and the outlet does not face the throttle plate - no or little fuel, so then you have a hesitation


the fix

Either buy a new piece, that we have, or you can peen the edge of the tube and aluminum so it cant spin. Make sure the tube is all the way in.


If you need any parts, jets, our new throttle shaft bearing kit or carbs, call me at 604 879 6288 9-5 m-f pacific, Jim

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I wonder if this is the problem I'm having... I had this carb on a ea81 before,after I did a rebuild on it, and it ran fine. it had a water choke, and I converted it to an electric choke, and installed it onto a ea71 now.


Now, if I punch down on the throttle, if it's idlling, it will sputter and die.

it also was dying if I was driving, and I woulds let off the gas,and brake up to a stop light, it would die. had to restart it about 5 times coming home that day.


what's the proper way to set the choke? my haynes weber manual doesn't get very specific...


any thoughts?

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