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Outback struts on Loyale??

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I have read a few threads regarding this but never really got much information.

I have a '90 loyale 4wd and I have found a newer, wrecked outback. The guy only wants $20 a piece for the shocks and struts. Would they work on my Loyale?? I'm not sure what kind of outback it is, but Ill post it once I find out. If it works, how much of a lift would it be? Any special maintanence required?



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the outback struts will be too big around to fit on the loyale knuckle. they will fit on xt6 knuckles but with all invlolved you would have to swap to xt6 5 lugs


the strut tops will fit if you slot the one hole, or swap the loyale strut cap of you have a spring compressor


my gl10 wagon had xt6 5 lugs using legacy struts with ea82 strut caps

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