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another pic


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  75subie said:
somebody buy this poor kid a decent camera:lol:



why, he's got a damn cordless gellphone with a photo-taking device built-in!!! when I was a kid if we wanted to take a picture of our model A's we had to use birchbark and a piece of charcoal!!!


damn young whippersnappers and their technologi..... give me a horseless buggy over a minivan any day

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  soobmater said:
your getting close buddy, but you still need to take a good pic! :rolleyes:
he he thanks. i think i'm gonna go buy film for my trusty ol' camera. be patient Clay cuz i still have to get that thingy developed. but at least it was better than the first pic.
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  subie94 said:
you'd be surprised how well those disposable cameras come out.you could get some of those too.they even come with a flash for a'lil more $
yeah i was thinking of those also. but what do you think of the car?
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  Buddy said:
yeah i was thinking of those also. but what do you think of the car?


well of what i can see.it's a subie,they all look good to me.


i may own a legacy but still have a place in my heart for the ea-81/82s


can't wait to see the rest of her

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  soobmater said:
well, i know for a fact, that your drivers side fender looks pretty sharp, but thats about it haha
actually the car itself looks sharp! only a few neglected scratches that have rusted out but from far you cant even see them. when i wash it boy that baby shines! the interior like i mentioned is sharp! the dash is still smooth and glossy! the interior is blue btw!
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