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Buying car in California

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Just for your information there is a whole process to go through to bring a car across the border - you can't just show up and waltz it acoss.


- can be done at Blaine truck crossing (not Sumas etc) between 8am - 3:30pm during the working week only (no weekends or holidays).

- fax the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection Vehicle/Equipment Outbound Team at 360.332.2639 and have them send you a vehicle export documentation package (don't forget to fill it out!)

- get a bill of sale and complete it.

- have the title with you when you cross.

- fax a copy of the title, bill of sale and the completed documentation package to the above fax # at least three working days before crossing the border. You might also want to phone them before you arrive just to make sure they've received it.

- if you have the title (not a photo copy) and a bill of sale you can get ICBC insurance to cover your trip up until you get it safety inspected here before you put it on the road. (so buy it and have the owner register mail up the title and bill of sale before you head down)

- you will need to get a binder of insurance for each state that you are passing through (CA - OR - WA) available at state licensing bureaus.

- be prepared to pay 7% GST at the border, a 6.25 % vehicle import duty because it is from Japan, plus an excise tax if it has air conditioning and a further 7% PST when you register it in B.C.

Have fun!

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Wow, sounds like you've got some personal experience with all of that.


Five times over the years, learn from experience (or someone elses!) and keep all your paperwork in order - they do love that at the border!

Also when crossing do not forget to stop in at the American station before crossing and have them stamp 'exported' on the title. It will save a trip over and back again!

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