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Kinda sounds like.....

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I've begun to notice that when i wind up my '85 GL ea82 in any gear i get this squishy noise right below the D/R shifter. it sounds like a really gross wet fart and can last until about 3k rpm. i suspect it's my gear oil but am unsure. anyone else have this happen on their 5speed ea82? is my car gonna die!?!?!?!?



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  Subarian said:
Cat caught in the front U-joint?


uh no, wait lemme check........


no,there are definately no felines dragging along my underside.


the noise is definately something liquid that is going somewhere...and along the way reaches a point near my hand brake and starts making this long, squishy fart noise like a liquid would do when it is being pushed somewhere.


no one has ever hear this in a 5speed ea82?!?!?!


i'd hate to be the person who owned a one-of-a-kind subie that made fart noises when you shift gears up or down.






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It's possible having too much gear oil in your trans could make some noise. As subiemech said, air in the cooling system will definitely cause some noise, but it will be up by the heater core. Of course, it's sometimes hard to locate noises when you're in the driver's seat. Whenever I have a noise I'm trying to isolate, I have someone else drive while I poke around. If it is coming from the heater core, it's an easy fix. You just need to get the air out of the system. To do that, take the cap off and squeeze and release the upper radiator hose, kind of like milking it. Slowly add coolant as you get the air out. It works better if you have the nose of the car pointed uphill. Also make sure your overflow bottle has coolant in it, the hose between the radiator and the bottle is good, and you've got a good cap.

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  Subarian said:
It's possible having too much gear oil in your trans could make some noise. As subiemech said, air in the cooling system will definitely cause some noise, but it will be up by the heater core. Of course, it's sometimes hard to locate noises when you're in the driver's seat. Whenever I have a noise I'm trying to isolate, I have someone else drive while I poke around. If it is coming from the heater core, it's an easy fix. You just need to get the air out of the system. To do that, take the cap off and squeeze and release the upper radiator hose, kind of like milking it. Slowly add coolant as you get the air out. It works better if you have the nose of the car pointed uphill. Also make sure your overflow bottle has coolant in it, the hose between the radiator and the bottle is good, and you've got a good cap.


i suppose both diff's could use a once over...i bought the car w/ 99k on the clock and a jdm 'low miles' engine that just got swapped in...now its got 120k and i havent looked at the diff fluids in 20k or so.


suppose ill switch to synth gear oil and milk the radiator like you said i should.


:slobber: mmmmmmmmmm coolant


pretty sure the cap is good...swaped it at a jiffy lube in joshua tree not too long ago after they took the vaccum to the radiator after a near-block-death experience.






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