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'91 legacy heater fan works on high only

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I've noticed over the past couple of days that my climate system fan works only when it's set on the number 4 or high position. The first 3 settings, now, do nothing. I assume, from what I've gleaned off the web, that this has something to do with a bad resistor of some type. Where is this resistor located in a '91 Legacy, and any idea of the price? Thanks.

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its kinda behind the glove box,you will have to remove the glovebox,you will see a connecter,pull off and there is screws that hold it in.it looks like a cage wiyh windings in it.maybe the plug is loose? never had to replace so dont know about price.im sure somebody will know.

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You should be able to get to the resistor box from under the dash next to the blower motor. You are most likely going to have to go a scrap yard and pul it out of a car. If you can find them, get a few of them. People have tried soldering in resistors with mixed results. I dont know what subaru gtes for one, it may be just worth it to bite the bulit and get a new one, as this is a common failure with age.



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