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maf to turbo tube broke, repair or replace?

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hardware store would be the cheapest fix, just dont use the plastic pvc bits near the turbo itself, they will work for a few runs, but then start warping and melting.


i ended up using a peice of threaded steel pipeing about 2" in diameter and 2" in length to connect the hose on the turbo to the rest of my intake. i havent ad any melting issues since.


if you must ge the stock part, the dealer will be happy to hunt one down for something like $60 or so. at least from my expiriance, ive gone through 4 original inlet hoses, they were all used and all fell apart on me. you might be better off building something more reliable.

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Mine broke too. I couldnt find any bits and pieces at Home Depot, or Lowes or any other hardware store so went to the junkyard to try to find a replacement.


Couldnt find one, so luckily Caleb had one and sent it to me.


The easiest fix is to get another stock piece. If you make a custom piece, you will need to plumb everything for the PCV as well.



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looks like what i used, only reccomendation on that would be to move the rubber hose from direct contact with the turbo. get a stock intake hose if you can find a spare, and put that at the turbo inlet and then get a 2" threaded pipe union thingy to connect the two hoses.


i hope that makes sence to you, it did in my head, but ive only been awake for like 15 minutes now.

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