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Help - changing headlight bulb

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OK, I'm lame. How do you change the front headligt bulb in a 2002 Forester?



not familar with your model but basics are probbally the same. there should be a plastic sleeve where your wires run into light,twist sleeve counter clockwise,this will let pull light bulb out[might have to twist because of o-ring] unplug wires.
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ON my 96 Legacy, you first pull on the connector straight out, then remove the big rubber bellows (note that there is a «this side up» indication), then there is a spring wire that you unlock (look closely it's intuitive) and then you pull the bulb out. Take care not to touch the fresh bulb's glass with bare fingers. Take care also to insure that the rubber bellows is correctly reinstalled cause it's responsible for sealing the inside of the head light enclosure against humidity.

Hope that helps.

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ON my 96 Legacy, you first pull on the connector straight out, then remove the big rubber bellows (note that there is a «this side up» indication), then there is a spring wire that you unlock (look closely it's intuitive) and then you pull the bulb out. Take care not to touch the fresh bulb's glass with bare fingers. Take care also to insure that the rubber bellows is correctly reinstalled cause it's responsible for sealing the inside of the head light enclosure against humidity.

Hope that helps.


Frag, thanks for you help. Had to also remove the battery to gain assess.


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