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EA82 & EA82T Head Gaskets...

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Is there a difference? There's a kit on ebay right now http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Subaru-1-8L-EA82-Eng-Head-Gasket-Set-1985-94_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ46098QQitemZ8016692499QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW and it sais non-turbo but lists the RX.


Im not sure if I Should just spent the extra money and get a complete engine gasket kit from Subaru... or go cheap and go with ebay. Subaru's kit is $100 more :-\



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EA82 and EA82T head gaskets are the same.


nice to use subaru head gaskets if you can. but aftermarket is probably okay, i know of some Fel-pro and Corteco installs that have held up fine to date on XT6's.


that being said, make sure you can determine what brand they are and can find out whether they need retorquing or not. for instance on the XT6 the OEM and Fel-Pro gaskets say no need to retorque but the corteco sets call for a retorque sequence on the head gaskets. it's manufacturer dependent, so i'd want to know that ahead of time.


on the EA82 though for some reason they call for a retorque on subaru head gaskets (although they don't for the XT6????), figure that one out?

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The difference in the heads is primarily in the way the ports are designed. You have to run the MPFI with the turbo heads. The advantage would be more overall hp and better torque off the line. The factory pistons on the turbo feature low compression because having to replace engines under warranty is bad for business.:)

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