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High electrical load on '95 OB engine?

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My new to me 95 Legacy OBW began acting up recently. It's getting a pretty loud squeel from under the hood when I first fire it up. It's getting worst. At first the squeel went away in a few seconds. Now, it stays on for half a block. If I have the headlights on, turning them off makes the noise go away immediately. Then, I can start the noise again by hitting the fan and the rear defroster. If I let it squeel for another 100' or so of driving, it will suddenly just stop squeeling, and the engine suddenly feels like it has more power available. It's as if the parking brake was suddenly released. My uneducated GUESS is that there is an alternator problem, making it very hard to spin the alternator, and thus putting a large load on the engine. Under some conditions, such as when it is cold out (below 40 F), and just after starting when the battery has been drawn down, the extra load makes it hard to turn the alternator, which is resulting in belt squeel. No idiot lightls are coming on, and the car does start right away. Headlights are not dimming. So, I think there's enough power being generated most of the time. THOUGHTS anyone?

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This is usually just a belt tension issue, overnight, moisture forms on the metal parts and has to be rubbed off. This makes the belts more able to slip and you get the squealing sound. Most engines have a spring loaded belt tensioner any more, but the Subaru belts require manual adjustment, usually only once or twice in their life and about a week after initial new installation.

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Thanks all for the advice. I was going to try tightening it, but it broke w/in a few blocks of home last night. Installed a new belt, which took me about 30 minutes, and all is well. I'm keeping some tools in the car, in case it needs another adjustment. Thanks all for your help.

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