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How do I find out if I have blown valve seals?

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well first question is do you burn any oil. If you do do a wet dry compresion test, that will tell you if its rings or valve guides. If you do burn some oil, and a compression test shows good numbers with no or minor change between wet/dry then you can suspect the seals. ANother way is to pull a valve cover and inspect them. My guess is at the very least you have tired valve seals.



What do you ask?




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You'd have oil on your lips. :lol::drunk: Sorry, couldn't help it, just in one of them moods.


Usually it will do what Jim said, smoke at startup for a few seconds. If it keeps smoking, it's usually the rings.


Yeah sounds like it..

I did an compression test about one half months ago and it did show good figures (mechanic said the compression is all fine) but the cylinder nbr 2 has more black on the exhaust (I took the pipe off to inspect) others are well burn't. ONly shows a puff of smoke for a few seconds at the cold startup. Not hot startup. Does loose a bit of oil but its using more than average. Is it easy job to replace the seals yourself?


I'm aware about taking the heads off and fix the valve seals etc.



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