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State / Provincial regulations (lifts, etc.)

Hodaka Rider

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I found this site with lots of laws on trucks for different states. In montana there arent many laws against vehicle modification. We don't even have smog testing.




Unfortunately, that article is from 2000. Many of the laws could be out of date.

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For New hampshire, it is done by bumper height. Unfortunately, my wagon is registered as a passenger vehicle, so I'm only allowed 20" to the bottom of my bumper. Pickups are alowed 30" So every time I get it inspected, I have to put the low pro 13" rim wheels I have on it and load up the smugglers hatch and the spare tire well with steel to drop my bumpers low enough. Technically, if i pissed a cop off, I could get cited for excessive height, tires that stick out beyond the fenders, the scratch in the windshield, lack of mudflaps, sharp edges on the quarter panels I cut, and noise violation. The bumpers I'm planning on making are ilegal too, because they replace energy absorbing ones. Pickups are allowed anything more that a 1/4" steel plate.


The reason for all the regs is so that cars bumpers will be at the smae height in a crash. But with the number of suv/ trucks that are on the road now, it's only fair that the cars should be allowed to be as high as the trucks so we have a chance. With my car in it's illegal state, My bumper would hit most suv's just a bit above their bumpers. Fair game I say. Seeing as in a T bone incident, most suvs are nailing cars at the top of their doors.

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New york is easy, 30" ground height from frame to ground. They also want mud flaps (common sense). i do remeber to that you can't have more then 2 sets of accessory lights.


i have seen the 30" measured form the lowest point on the axle. Very little enforcement here, unelss you have an accident.




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Here's Nevada's rules:

Here's all of the stuff:




But here's the part talking about height:




Based on max height vs GVW

You can also find the limits on lights, mudflaps, tires, chains, etc.....

But I don't think they really enforce it unless it's a safety issue.

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