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Little wagon that can't......

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.....Move. Get in my wagon this morning, try to back it down the drive, shift it into reverse(but it might be in 4th hard to tell) and release the clutch.... car stalls.... Try to get it out of gear... shifter wont move at all... so I restart, rev the ************ out of it, dump the clutch... stall... restart, shove into LO rev it up dump clutch, stall. Hill holder cable is in one piece, tried pounding on the shifter linkage from under the wagon with a hammer, wont budge... I cannot get it out of gear... or to even move down the drive with the clutch in.... I drove it around last night and parked it here... Whats going on!?!

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Any chance you might have a build up of ice somewhere?

Guess I could have clarified....


Any chance that you might have gotten what inside the gearbox? I had that happen on an old chevy 4x4 one time out hunting. Made a river crossing no problem, but the breather hose was cracked and it let water into the trans. Froze during the night. Finally let loose when it started warming up during the day.

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As far as the ise thing, I dount it, I haven't made any river crossing recently, I DID change the gear oil earlier this year and it wasn't cold enough for frost let alone ice....

The tranny is a D/R not a PB... thats how I got it into Lo:rolleyes: I havent been driving around in 4wd either, its been dry here. I doubt its the wheels locked or the brakes... I know it doesnt move and if that was the only issue I might heavily suspect that, but my HUGE problem is that its stuck in gear...

My 2 big Ideas right now are this:


Noss Idea: Broken shift fork jammed in the gears... He had this happen to a Civic he beat the hell out of:grin:. His solution is new tranny


Simmions(old auto guy) ideea: The tranny "misgated" due to old bushings and actually got stuck between 4th and reverse.... His solution is to get to the real shift linkages in the tranny and knock some sence into it.


Any thoughts on that?

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i had the same sorta problem (ish) when stopping in 4th gear


to get it back out of 4th i had to rev it right up and ease the clutch so the car start to go forwards while pulling back on the gear leaver till it popped out


then put it back to first or reverse or whatever and drive off

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Simmions(old auto guy) idea: The tranny "misgated" due to old bushings and actually got stuck between 4th and reverse.... His solution is to get to the real shift linkages in the tranny and knock some sence into it.


Any thoughts on that?


Hmmm. Maybe. My truck doesn't have any line up pins for the shifters (transmission from a '86 truck, when the line up pins were in the shift tower, and shift tower from a '84, when the line up pins were in the transmission). You can find all kinds of places in between actual gears that don't do anything. Fun one is right next to first, thats actually still in nuetral. I'm used to it now and don't even notice the absence of em but even when I was learning it, I never had it get stuck anywhere. It could happen though I guess if bushings were worn enough....


Also check the obvious -- my dad had a pair of sunglasses fall from the dash onto the shift lever area of his outback, and keep the lever from moving forward into 5th any more. He thought the tranny had suddenly lost 5th, till he turned the light on and saw the sunglasses sitting there....



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Phil, you are crazy.............:banana: Just had to say that.



Something is binding (duH!) and it sounds strange, and I wouldn't pull it apart yet. There is such a thing as over-troubleshooting, making the problem worse than it is. I remember you having an issue with the front wheels locking up when you first got the wagon, and I suspect foul play yet again...and yes, it is cold enough to freeze outside, I have the ice to prove it!


What you need to do is.....tie a tow rope onto Noss's SHO, and pull it down the driveway, get it onto a level surface.....then see if the problem goes away. I suspect a Hill-holder issue, and I know you looked at it, but hill holders suck royal A$$..... Or I guess you could put the D/R lever in neutral, and let it roll down.


UNLESS....you bent something off roading, or your tranny is blown...like Jeff's 6. He he



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