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when you get a website you get a limit of "bandwidth" This is the MB's you are aloud to send to the clients that view the website. If you post a picture in your thred that is 60kb's, every time someone views that picture it uses 60kb's (or 0.06MB's) of your bandwidth. 1000 letters = 1KB, or 0.001MB's. It all adds up and you run out of the bandwidth limit. Its like a download limit on your internet. If you pay more, you get more. I am guessing that this forum isn't served on a members house hold computer, but is served on a website server. If you donate more you shouldn't get this problem again. I have to wait till I have some cash in my PayPal account before I can donate :(

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Depending on what the requirements for the site are, I may be able to offer hosting for a very reasonable fee. I work for a small IT firm, and we do a decent amount of server hosting. Plus, several of my coworkers have owned old gen Subarus at various points.


If the site owner/owners are interested, feel free to contact me. The important factors are what kind of sustained output the site creates (in megabits per second), rough total transfer per month, and what the requirements for hosting are (Windows/Linux, IIS/Apache, what database, etc).


Also, we don't really enforce bandwidth limits on our servers. If something transfers a lot of data, we may point it out, but we currently have nothing to cut a website off for heavy transfer (and given I'm the one who would have to write something like that, and I don't feel like doing it, and nobody has told me to do it, I don't see that "feature" in the near future, or ever).



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