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i just blew my transmission

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so there i was driving normally drifting etc turned a corner shifted to second and the car jerked back then continued moving forward while making a loud mechanical banging this sound continues through all gears while the car is moving and when the clutch is engaged in neutral the clutch is working perfectly any thoughts o also i cannot go into second gear evean while stopped with the engine off all other gears work normal


now any thoughts

edit: i should add the noise it is making is a loud clacking that says gears are coming out and if you listen under the hood it is definatly the transmission not the clutch

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I meant rear bearing on the mainshaft of your transmission, usually when your rear bearing goes out you'll have a hard time shifting into 2nd, if it even goes into gear at all; when your front bearing goes out, it will be difficult or impossible to shift into 4th. that might not be 100% accurate but thats along the lines of what'll happen when a bearing gets toasted. drain the gear oil out of your transmission and see what comes out with it... good chance that if you toasted a bearing, it means a seal is also bad, a bad seal can cause bearings to fry and bad bearings can kill seals, so theres a GOOD chance theres not very much oil in your transmission and most of what comes out is all the sludge full of bits of metal and metal shavings that sits at the bottom.


if you rebuild your transmission rather than replace it, make SURE all the parts are clean and free of dust and shavings when they go back together or it wont last


edit: bearings tend to make ALOT of noise when they go

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I would like your old trans if you opt to just put in another one. I dont want to buy it I will just get it out of your way. Ill also open it up at a later date if you want me to show you what blew up inside.


There is an xt6 at PNS right now but i dont remember if its an auto or manual. I want to say its the manual with diff lock.



(guy you met at PNS).. :)

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thanks shawn i might take you up on that and the tranny out of that six is all mine

edit: the red one right? 5 spd awd it's hanging by a thread i'm going down with rick tommorow to finish the job and put the tranny in my six and shawn how could i ever forget you

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