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Loyale peopleeeeeeeeeee

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yeah, it adjusts where the steering wheel sits verticaly. I think it can move the wheel about 2 to 3 inches, better then most other cars i've driven. If you want to try to get it to work, first try spraying some RP7 or WD40 into it (if your not sure what I'm on about, its a spray on oil which is very good at freeing up stuck stuff. Dunno if you guys get RP7 or WD40 in the US)

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On the bottom left of your steering wheel thing there is a black plastic lever Mine is stuck. what is it for or what does it do?


On my 92 Loyale the larger lever will lift the steering column all the way up. The small one is so called custom lever wil also lift the column up. But when you press it down it will stop at your "custom" level (the one has been preset).




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