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RATS - Murphy failed smog!!!

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Seeing that the registration expired at the end of last month I figured it was time to Murphy smogged and registered. This is the first time I've tried to have the $500 87 T-Wag smogged since I rebuilt it (nwe engine, new tranny - awfull 3 spd). CO too high. The smog tech (who wasn't that familliar with Subies - couldn't locate the ECU which I found both troubling and amusing) seems to think the problem is a temp sensor, which is causing the car to run too rich. I wonder if this helps explain my poor gas mi. (18 avg), and the fact that my ugly digi-dash temp gauge tends to sporatically show higher that normal temp reading? I have included a scan of the smog results with this post.


BTW, 02 sensor is new so that shouldn't be the problem.


PS. Did I mention that I HATE the 3 spd autotranny? 4000 RPM @ 70 MPH! Sucks!!! And yes I reallize it was made for the 55 mph legal limit of the day. I'm semi-old and remember those horrible times!!! :-)

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I'd also try the O2 sensor, since if the 02 is bad or giving erroneous readings, the computer will substitute a value, and err on the side of rich, which would result in high CO readings. I am SO glad I don't live in CA! Granted we have smog in Oregon, but just in like two counties, and they arent' NAZIS like they are in CA... :-P

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O2 is new. Replaced a couple of months ago.


new dose not mean good. i have replaced many parts with "New Parts" right from the auto store or dealer, that have been bad.


if you have a coolant temp sensor or something causing it to run ritch it could foul out an o2 snesor in no time.


just my $0.02

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