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legacy impreza clutch interchange?

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I have a 92 legacy in the UK. I just replaced hte driven disk (I know, I am super cheap but I can take them out in 5 hours without droppijng the tranny out) and the disk is wasted (1 leaner and lots of very fast, and I mean VERY fast trips on winding scotish roads) so I am bidding on some clutches on ebay> I see some trurbo and non turbo and I have been told that legacy and impreza clutches interchange, but what about the non turbo? can I put an impreza turbo clutch on my non turbo 2.2 legacy? there are some cheap impreza turbo clutches at thae moment.


I got burned by a subaru dish flywheel deapth problem wehn I put an ea81t onto an ea82t xt gearbox so if you have dish dimension information, that would be great.







ps hey brian and shanan.

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NA clutch parts for NA legacies, foresters and imps are all pretty interchangable. I have a 1990 wagon and am using a 1998 Forester flywheel, a 2002 RS pressure plate and throwout bearing and a Kennedy 6 puck disk. Total cost was about $195 for all of the above, thank goodness for Ebay. The only item I bought new was the disk for $97.

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The pressure plate is VERY different. This is because one is a push style and the other is a pull style. (can't remember which is which). But the turbo disk has the through out bearing ATTACHED to teh pressure plate. Same goes for WRX clutches. So basically the WRX and Turbo trannies have some interchangeable parts and the NA stuff has ALOTof interchangable parts.

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Hey, RedDevil, do you know what the clamping pressures are for the NA pressure plates are (NA are the push type, BTW)? My 92 EJ22 develops a good bit of power, and I find myself spinning the clutch way too often when I'm trying for a fast start. . .

Is there a recomended pressure plate that I can toss in there that will actually hold my clutch disk?

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there was a model released in europe that may not have been released in the US until the wrx, its a 2.0 impreza turbo from the early 90's. its not a wrx or an sti. I was wondering if that one is interchangable. what about the driven disk? Do the trannys have the same nose shaft splines and is the disk about teh same thickness? it may be good to ahve a pucker inside it, as long as its all mostly interchangeable except the pressure plate, althought I never liked this pressure plate, it just never grabbed and now its slipping again. my frankenstien 82 dl with the ea81t in it could always overcome its clutch and my 2.2 legacy is more or less the same.



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I don't think I was easy on my old EJ22 powered Legacy, and fast starts although hard to get perfectly right would not smoke the clutch. Lots of revs - like 5000 - throttle all the way down as I let the clutch go quickly would result in a snapped neck and the revs dropping back to 3500 while the car caught up.


Perhaps you problem isn't a weak clutch, but an overtight clutch cable or a sticking linkage?

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Perhaps you problem isn't a weak clutch, but an overtight clutch cable or a sticking linkage?


no, its been adjusted and after it gets adjusted it still slips. if the car is hot it does not slip in 5th or 4th at all but when it is cold it slips in 2nd. THe last clutch was the same too. that could be the cable, but it even slips when its been adjusted with endless freeplay. it must be the disk expanding or the pressure plate expanding (because I bet those organic materials dont expand much) and grabbing when its hot


any idea about the clutch driven disk fitting on the input shaft?


in other news I ordered a stainless set of brake hoses. not for the performance issues, they rust off here and then you fail MOT (inspection)

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The turbo clutch setup is a "pull" style clutch. The lever arm pulls on the throw out bearing that is attached to the pressure plate, which then pulls on the fingers of the pressure plate, and eliminates the clamping force on the clutch disc....aka disengages the clutch.


The n/a clutch setup is a "push" style clutch. The lever arm pushes on the throw out bearing, which pushes on the center part of the pressure plate/fingers, and eliminates the clamping force on the clutch disc....aka disengages the clutch.


Here's a blow up diagram of the turbo clutch.



I don't have the n/a scanned.


I'm pretty sure the clutch discs are not interchangable between the pull & push style transmissions. I can double check part #'s, but I doubt they're the same.

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