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should i or should i not


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trade my wagon for a new car. here's the reason why! NO RESPECT FROM ANY ONE!!!:(:mad: it seems like i have no dignity :( cause of my suby. i need your opinion cuz' its driving me crazy. if i trade it its gonna be a toyota. read this first then ask questions.

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Got to stick with the Subie! Also, if it is a new car you get a couple of other things too like: Car payments and, full coverage insurance. That is unless you plan to buy the car outright and that would eliminate both of those things.

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the reason i wanted to do that is because i get absolute no respect just because im loyal to subaru. i don't know if you you guys go through the same thing but im telling you i get no respect. the person that disrespects me the most loves dodge and says that subaru is a "piece of crap" that all subarus belong in a junk yard you get the point. i even got disrespected in my own house!!! can you believe that??? keep the opinions flying. i need to know what you guys think. and i'll continue the story!

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the reason i wanted to do that is because i get absolute no respect just because im loyal to subaru. i don't know if you you guys go through the same thing but im telling you i get no respect. the person that disrespects me the most loves dodge and says that subaru is a "piece of crap" that all subarus belong in a junk yard you get the point. i even got disrespected in my own house!!! can you believe that??? keep the opinions flying. i need to know what you guys think. and i'll continue the story!

are you ************ing kidding me i get told on a daily basias what a pos my six is and i stand there take it and i simply respond "maybe but i like it" it doesn't matter what people think of your car stand proud tell them to ************ off and drive home smileing and drive home in three feet of snow while their lifted dodge is stuck

kinda hit a nerve there

edit: once again hatchsub you hit the nail on the head

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I go through that too. I go to Uconn and all my friends cant understand why i like my car as much as i do. Its slow..its old...and its finicky when its cold out but i still love it. Its got personality. Its got a "soul" as i would say. It may make me mad sometimes when stuff breaks but its never expensive or hard to fix (if i do it on my own). One of my good friends loves chryslers and i hate them (any chrysler after 72 or 73 was not the same). The old ones are fine but still...


Anyways, don't let it bug you. Just think in 5 or 10 years what car is still going to be on the road? A damn dodge or a suby (that is if the rust doesn't get it :) )?

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Your self-respect and others' respect for you should be based on a lot more than what car you drive. One of the things my wife loves about me is how attached I get to the cars I put together with my own hands. But besides that, it's still just your car. It's not YOU. That's what you and the people around you need to learn to respect.

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I have alot more respect for someone driving something older than 15 years than anything new. Anyone can go buy a new car, pay big payments and high insurance, and pretend to be cool, but to keep an old subaru going requires a certain amount of mechanical aptitude, and the knowledge that sometimes newer isn't better. If you think a new car will give you respect, you are just trying to buy respect, which means all they are respecting is your money and not you. People always make fun of me and my series of old dying suby wagons I've owned. But then I lead them up little dirt roads camping, and their ford explorers barely make it and I didn't even think twice about it.... Plus, I paid as much for the whole car as they pay each month for their new one. They can laugh at me all they want, but I know I'm getting the better end of the deal.


Oh, I do also own a 'dodge' truck, but at least it was made entirely by Mitsubishi, in Japan, for dodge. It's also 21 years old, and no one gives me respect for it either. On the last road trip I was in a caravan of all big chevy trucks, and they were certain my little mitsubishi was going to get stuck, but I actually got through some of the obstacles better because it wasn't so big and galumphalous. IMO, most people who own big trucks are just trying to compensate for other parts of their anatomy which are inadequate.


Edit: Hey, is this the '85 wagon in your sig? If so, the question is does it still work as the chick magnet? If so, then who cares what anyone else thinks. A new toyota corolla sedan or such certainly won't be. I can tell you that....

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Hey Buddy This is Jerry, at my job everybody has a jeep poor suckers. I get put down just about everyday but now that winter is here it is a different story. On these slick roads my hatchback runs circles around them, all i say to them look who has the better car now. My hatchback gets over double the gas mileage than those jeeps like the word stands for just emptey every pocket of all your money. This has been on going for over 5 years now for me but now i have a coworker in a 80 brat won't be long before another coworker is in a subaru. Trade not a chance Thanks Jerry

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buddy, get a lift, trust me, it doesnt matter what anyone says. just go wheeling with someone in a truck..they get stuck..and laugh in there face!or tell them to give you some respect other wise dont pull them out. but other than that dude, keep your wagon!!

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Buddy, it seems like you're asking if we think you should keep your car for the same reason you want to get rid of it, you're looking for respect. i believe its the Marines that say respect is earned and never given.


The people that like you better because you have a nicer car are not the people that will be there when you need them. I went to school 4 years for Auto related majors, i'm only in contact with 2 guys that were in my auto program, the rest don't know squat about cars. My point... the guys that were so caught up with what car i drove, i found i couldn't count on, the ones that didn't care, i've been mudding with, driven across the country multiple times with, squatted with when i was homeless and so on.


The only person's opinion that matters about if you are "cool" is you, and if you're feeling really down, call up your parents, they have to like you. :brow:

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im still young too, but the "respect" from other 16 year olds is kinda overrated. most of those kids are running their mouths because they dont have anything else to do, or mommy and daddy bought them a fancy new car, or theyre just jaded. besides, if you get a new car, it will probably just attract attention from the wrong people. and youll cry if you wreck it. and youll cry again after your insurance goes up!


if you look hard enough, youll find plenty of ways to have a good time in that car. theyre tanks and will usually take anything you throw at them. looks are overrated! just throw some stickers on it and you can tell those silly kids with their civics youre as cool as they are because you have stickers too! :lol:

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Ooooh, this one really gets me. Since when isn't it cool to have an 80's Japanese car?


the person that disrespects me the most loves dodge and says that subaru is a "piece of crap" that all subarus belong in a junk yard


1. Any Dodge made after 1971 belongs in a junk yard. Gas crisis + huge engines + engineers who don't care anymore = crappy product


2. 16 year olds who can't realize that an "old" Subaru is rad are retarted KoRn listening mad-at-my-mommy ricer kids aka (insert explitave here) and you shouldn't care what their testosterone flooded Integra loving juvenile brains come up with (no offense to Korn fans, but ricers do like it)


3. All new cars SUCK. BMWs, Toyotas, Pagani Zondas included.

Stay cheap, stay old, keep rockin in the Soob!!!!!one:headbang:

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I don't really get any disrespect here in Australia. Most guys put there thumbs up at me on the road. Maybe thats cos my car looks sick as! I dunno.


Best thing I can think of is just say... "Wanna compare them offroad? Or just brag about your own rig?" That might stur them up a bit. Ppl talk bs all the time, just ask them to prove it and they'll back down in a none ego bending way. Then hop in ya can and laugh your way home.

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Just do what i did when everyone rags on my sube! Show them what it will do! challange someone to a contest. Like the guy where i get gas he has an 85 camero with over 400 horeses but cant get out off his parking lot with rain on the ground with out going throu snow.He allso has a 2001 jimmy that is one of the biggest piles of american steal ever to hit the road.He was allways bragging how good of a truck it is so i told him lets go hit the power lines and see who comes out the other side first. So we did, he got me off the line ofcourse but after we got rolling he had to slow down to much around corners and over some obstacles. Thats when i passed him and didnt see him untill an hour later when he came walking out of the woods and told me he broke his truck. so i gave him a ride back to hi junk and seen he broke his rear driveshaft. Took him to get parts to fix when it started snowing.By the time we got done there was like six inches of snow and he kept getting stuck because he was afraid to give it power because he was afraid he would break his truck again. So i had to pull him allmost 2 miles to the main road. After that he never raged on my sube again, In fact he allways want to use it to go off road so i told him to get his own sube. HE DID!

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Tell your buddy with the Dodge to come back and talk smack when he has 275,000 miles on it (will never happen), and then ask him who much he's spent on gas and how many times he's been stuck in the mud.


Respect is earned, not by trying to impress others....

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Heres my logic, screw what anyone thinks.dude, the guy with the dodge, im sure he likes going to the gas station by now. now, i don't like new cars, so if i were you,i would definatly keep your subaru.. i mean really buddy, don't let it go,it doesnt matter what the other guy says..he really can't approve of anything he says because he's never had a subaru.

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You have to ask?


I'll echo what was said above. If someone will only respect you because you have a new car, their respect isn't worth your time.


At some point in your life, you may eventually need a newer car. As much as I love cruising around in my GL, I know that if I keep doing more sales stuff, I'll need something that's in better shape (I can't keep hiding in parking lots forever). Also, I've noticed that when a guy gets married, his wife's parents usually expect him to keep a decent car around for his wife to drive. It's fine if he rolls around in something old & kind of beat up, but their daughter deserves something fairly nice.


This isn't that point in your life. Car payments are more expensive than parts payments. And shop time is a LOT more expensive than just buying parts. You've got a car that's known for rolling through 300k miles without needing any major work, that's easy to work on, and that has a wonderful user community around it to help with pretty much anything that can go wrong.


You also have a car that, in slick conditions, can beat out basically anything else on the road. A friend of mine with an '04 Civic Si was more than happy to talk smack about a snow drag race... until it snowed. I took him for a ride in the Subaru, and he was blown away by how well it gripped and pulled up out of ditches & such that he would have been stuck until spring in.


Keep the Subaru. Don't give up a wonderful car because other people can't see past the fact that it's as old as they are.



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Peer pressure is over-rated. BUT....


if you want a little respect, you need to get it from another peer group.


- so since you're close, I suggest you take a day trip up to Yosemite. Hikers, rock climbers, tree huggers galore. They'll love your Sube. The parking lots are packed with Subes.


For respect from 4x4ers: Lift, tires, and a day in the dirt to hang with the best of them.

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What everyone else has said...


You will eventually realize that 'respect' from high school peers isn't what it seems to you when you are 16. Especially beacuse of the car you drive.


Time will prove your car's worth.


Letting them ride with you in the snow will help to make believers of them.

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<--- Dodge guy just bought a Subaru.


I love my Dodges too. Both cars have plusses and minuses. Like longblocks for $100. Mid-13s at the track for a couple hundred bucks and a few hours (turbo of course). Free calibration tuning software (mine).


Anyone who is blindly loyal to any brand against another isn't willing to walk a mile in the other guys shoes. There are no perfect cars, like there are no perfect people.

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