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My 1993 impreza L wont start. It started with the Check engine light coming on. The fan would run as soon as the key was turned. Coolant sensor was replaced. cleared up the fan problem. Still no joy in starting. There is puls e in the injectors. and a double spark from the spark plugs. the crank shaft sensor was replaced with a camshaft sensor minus the sleeve would this have a bearing on it not starting also how about changing the ignition module? any help gratly appreciated.

Dave Morris

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Weather was fine. Replacedthe CRANKshaft sensor with a subaru part.and replaced the camshaft sensor with the one that was used in the Crankshaft sensor. Still have a good spark and fuel is ok. still not starting. there is a popping sound like it almost wants to start when the key is turned off. Commpresion has not been checked hope to do that today. Any help greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The timing is at 10 degrees if the timging mark is correct a rather small notch in crank barely noticeable. The spark plug wires were replaced. Atiming light was used and my mechanic said there seemed to be two sparks he checked the wires and he thought his timing light was broken that was when the wires were changed. He said that the timing should be at 10 degrees. He is also stumped Any Help appreciated.

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Have you checked the compression of all the cylinders? One of the timing belts may have broken.


Hey there Cougar, I can tell you're old school by the duality of your timing belt remark. ;)


But I agree, broken/slipped belt could be a cause...If you are getting spark and fuel, and it won’t start, either the ECU is being dumb, or the VALVE (not spark/ignition) timing is wrong/not working.


It's easy to check for the presence of a belt...just 3 10mms holding the end cover on.

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These engines use a wasted-spark type ignition, so there will be four sparks per revolution on a 4 cylinder engine, with each spark plug firing once per revolution, somewhere near top dead center on the compression and exhaust strokes. So it may seem that there are twice as many sparks as are necessary, which there are.


There really is no setting of the timing on these engines. A properly installed timing belt is all that is required for proper engine timing. The cam and crank position sensors and the ECU do the rest.


I agree with the others that yours does sound like a timing problem. I would pull the timing covers and verify the timing of the timing belt. When was the last time it was changed? How many miles and years ago?

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You said the injectors were pulsing, but are you sure fuel is getting to the cylinders? Try some starting fluid if you haven't, just remove the filter and spray it in to the duct while someone cranks it.


If that doesn't fire, then cam timing must be way off of that sensor is probably no good.


I would think the ignition module is working if you have spark.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Finally was able to get around to fixing the car. You were right it was a timing problem. I had to trplace the timing belt auto tensioner. Realign the timing belts as they are at 90 degrees as opposed to being 180 degress in normal cars. Put cover back on and the car started. Once again thats to all of you for your help.


Dave Morris

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