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Barely holds Idle at about 200 RPM

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My 1990 Turbo Loyale wagon is giving me trouble...


During warmup it idles at around 1500rpm, but once it is warmed up the idle drops to about 200rpm or even dies. I just replaced the cap and rotor and plug wires a couple weeks ago. I had the alternator checked and its good, it has a brand new battery. This is my first subaru and I've only had it for about a month, so I'm not super familiar with all the mechanics of it yet. Can anybody point me in the right direction?



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Make sure the injectors are firing. Use screwdriver as stethescope on the injecor body with the handle by or on your ear. You should hear an obvious clicking.


You could also remove the injector wiring harnesses one at a time. If the idle doesn't change when you pull one, that cylinder is not working. If the cylinder has spark and compression, it does not have fuel.


Mine would idle roughly at 400-500 rpm when injectors 3 & 4 weren't firing. The initial high idle is normal - the aux air valve is getting the engine warmed up.

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