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Steering wheel time


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Will a 84 and older steering wheel fit on an 85-94 EA82 car?


I am reasearching steering wheel hub adapters from MOMO and Grant. I can get steering wheels cheap from grant...no hub adapter is aval from grant for the EA82 cars, but they offer one for EA81 and older. MOMO offers both, but its really high....and not really avalible...hard to find...


So what steering wheels fit what? and what other car maker has a hub the same spline count as the EA82 subes?

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cheap as in 10% over cost...for NAPA to get them. i work for NAPA, and we can get Grant Steering wheels. I have yet to price any...but costs online are LOW compared to MOMO...i tihnk the rally wheel I want is like $70.

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