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I've been a browser for awhile but never posted.


I recently had the oil separator plate replaced on my 96 brighton, (EJ18, 5-spd trans, 48k). This was done under warranty by the mechanic who I bought the car from. He also replaced my clutch plate because he said that it looked worn. My guess is that it was really covered in oil.


Since the work I've had a touch of trouble getting the car into 1st gear when its cold (like stopped at a light) and the clutch engages closer to the floor that before. I often have to let the car roll forward or back before it goes into gear. Also at idle I hear (and feel) a vibration that wasnt there before. The vibration is the clutch cable under the hood wiggling back and forth right where it connects to the transmission. It seems like this is caused by lack of tension which is why I ask about proper adjustment.


What is the proper adjustment and engagement for the clutch? It looks simple enough for me to adjust it if need be. Thanks.

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