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Rear speaker out, need help or suggestions!

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Hi all, I own a 2003 outback VDC sedan with the Mcintosh stereo system. I had no idea until my sister told me that my rear speaker didn't work. This is not one of the speakers on the rear doors, but near the rear window behind the back seat headrests. Anyways, I dropped my ru to the dealer this past weekend, and the service advisor told me there was nothing wrong. I told the guy exactly which speaker was out, but either the guy missed it or was tone deaf. Unfortunately I did not have the service guy in the car with me so maybe that's why he missed it, and my fault for just dropping off.


Anyways, I'm a total newbie when it comes to stereos and speakers. Are there any suggestions what may be wrong? I checked the connections by popping open my trunk, and they seem good. Solder points also seem good. Can anyone advise me how to remove the interior panels to get to my speaker? If I attempt this, will I void any speaker warranties? Was just hoping I could fix myself instead of bringing back to the dealer.



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STOP! Especially if the car is under warrenty


take the service advisor to the car.. and SHOW him. It may not be the speaker, as it may be the radio. im not sure how its wired, and check all the operations of the radio and settings to make sure its not an improper setting. Some car steros you need a PHD in Engineering to operate it, so it may just be a setting. Usually speakes buzz and make weird noises, dont just usually die.



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STOP! Especially if the car is under warrenty


take the service advisor to the car.. and SHOW him. It may not be the speaker, as it may be the radio. im not sure how its wired, and check all the operations of the radio and settings to make sure its not an improper setting. Some car steros you need a PHD in Engineering to operate it, so it may just be a setting. Usually speakes buzz and make weird noises, dont just usually die.



first use the fader & balance controls to be sure it isn't just the setting....then:

the wires, I believe, are under the back plate (in the trunk)... a wire may have been dislodged by moving things in the trunk???? take a peak....

then take it back to the dealer (if it was a factory install, if not to whoever did the install) & make them sit in the back & not hear that speaker.



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Thanks for the advice. Yeah, first thing I did was check balance and the fade. The 2 speakers from the rear door panels work fine, but the one behind the rear headrests does nothing. I had several other people listen or not listen to the dead speaker so it's not in my head. Checked the wiring as best I could without removing any panels and that looked fine. I am going to have that darn service advisor stick his ear to that dead speaker until I convince him it doesn't work. I think bad communication is why the service advisor screwed up the first time, but you would think when you point to the exact speaker that doesn't work, then he'd pay attention to that speaker.

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There is a single speaker back there? Must be the center speaker for a surround sound setup, I guess.


You can ohm it out at the solder connections. It should read about 4 - 8 Ohms. You may be able to hear the speaker scratching when touching the leads to it, if you are in a quiet area.


If it's good, then maybe the output for it from the amp is bad.

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