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some more carter-weber to hitachi swap???

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Hello again guys,

For all of you that may be following along with what im doing..im home now and ready to unbolt my carter-weber intake and bolt on a hitachi intake. Anyways i have some last minute questions. Im looking at the hitachi carburator that i have and it appears to not have the plugs for the two duty solenoids that mount on the drivers side of the intake...or do they not plug into the carb at all? Also the carter-weber carb only had one "thermo vacuum valve" where as the hitachi set up has two. I guess what im getting at is do i need to use the duty solenoids when hooking up this carb and do i need the "thermo vacuum valves" as well? I want to simplify things under there and only hook up what i need. Im also looking at the metal vacuum lines that run under the intake and wondering if i can just get rid of them all together? Will i get an ECS light coming on if i don't hook up the duty solenoids? My thinking is that i should be able to get by with just the vacuum advance, EGR and vacuum lines on the carb hooked up. All the other little sensors and junk probably dont do much good anymore anyways. Thanks in advance guys.

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I can't really help, but instead will share some of my limited experience with the Hitache.


One of the first things I did when I got my wagon was de-emmission the carb. I wanted to clean up the engine compartment, and also the EGR was hashed anyway so I capped it off.


I left nothing but brake booster and vacume advance.


It seemed to run fine all summe. But when the cold weather came, I had very erratci idle. It seemed to be searching. I pretty stoopid about carbs.


I've since gone to a Weber DGV, and am very happy. (Finding the proper Jetting took some time, but all seems well.)


I have no idea what the trouble was with the hitache. Wish I did. Maybe somebody else can comment on that?




Good luck,



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Ok went out and really took a good look at the carter-weber intake thats on my car and compared it to the hitachi intake. Now i have another couple of problems. There are two large holes in the back of the manifold on the drivers side that appear made to have something screw into them. They're connected to the coolant passage. The carter weber does not have these. What should i do with these? Get two big bolts and close them up? Also what should i do about the throttle cable? Its on the left side of the carb for the Carter-weber and on the right for the hitachi. Anyone? I really needs some help here. This is as in depth as ive ever gotten on one of these car or any car for that matter and i dont want to go in not knowing what im doing.

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Thats a good question. I havent a clue. I was under the hood looking around and i didn't see any big coolant lines going into the back of the manifold on my car. Also it seems i have another hole to plug that was meant for the thermo sensor on the front of the manifold on the pasenger side. I was just over looking at pics of Mr Carbs de-emissioned brat and it didn't even have anything there. Idk if he just pluged the hole or maybe he has a different manifold without that hole. All i know is i have three holes that i have to plug with either coolant lines, bolts or sensors. And by the way the manifold cleaned up real nice. Thanks

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Ok just went out and looked again and there are only two big coolant lines running towards the intake. The one on top hooks to the steel line that runs the width of the manifold over to where the thermostat is and the other one that is below runs under the intake and over to the water pump. Other than that there are no other lines in that area. So...should i figure out how the coolant lines run on the hitachi manifold or just forget about it and put two bolts in those holes? Does anyone have any good pics of the back of the manifold? Ug im wondering if im in over my head with this one.

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Ok just went out and looked again and there are only two big coolant lines running towards the intake. The one on top hooks to the steel line that runs the width of the manifold over to where the thermostat is and the other one that is below runs under the intake and over to the water pump. Other than that there are no other lines in that area. So...should i figure out how the coolant lines run on the hitachi manifold or just forget about it and put two bolts in those holes? Does anyone have any good pics of the back of the manifold? Ug im wondering if im in over my head with this one.


Those really sound like the heater core lines to me. They should connect to 2 hoses going over to the firewall.

There are however, some smaller hoses for coolant that connect to the manifold. Can't say right now where each one goes on the EA-81 Hitachi manifold, been awhile since I've looked at one on an engine. All of my carb swaps have been to the Weber 32/36 and an EA-82 intake. Only seen one Carter manifold, and it was off of the engine, fully stripped.

As far as the heater hoses go, you only need to remove one from the manifold, and it will go back onto the one you're swapping onto your engine. That would be the one that goes to the steel line that runs behind the manifold.

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