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exhaust stud woes... (stripped helicoil...)

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so, one of the studs had rattled loose after a while, so I went under and tried to tighten it down(gently mind you...) and I ended up pulling the stud out. Okay, no big deal I'll just get some helicoils... well that worked for a little while, but today I'm driving along and I start hearing more of my exhaust than I should, I get under there and I check to see how tight it is, well the hole is stripped out again, and I'm not sure what to do now. I'm thinking about possibly just taking it down to an exhaust shop cause most of my exhaust is rusted out after the cat anyways and I dont have the tools to do that. how much bigger can I drill this hole? can I drill it any deeper to maybe get more threads in? I dont wanna have to be replacing my heads any time soon if I can avoid it...

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I can help ya!


I have a junk head that we can use to find out how deep we can drill. I have the tools and helicoils to retdo it also. Best bet is to pull the helicoil out and drill deeper and then JB weld the whole mess in there. Just need to make sure we spray enough brake cleaner up there to get all the oil out so the JB will stick. Then use antiseize on the STAINLESS or COPPER nut so we won't have to worry about spinning the stud when we tighten the nut. Also, lots of washers under the nut helps keep a constant force on the gasket.


Is this a turbo car?

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