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Hi guys,


What sort of signal is given by the knock sensor....? Is it a constant voltage? How does the signal change when it senses a ping?


Can I trick the ECU into thinking there is a knock sensor connected....(I know its not advised etc, just need the info)


Thanks in advance



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yes, nippers right, it produces an AC voltage, you need it in circuit and the car runs better with it on!

If it's giving trouble it may have been over tightened, the car may have the wrong/faulty fuel or the heads may have been planned too much.

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Thanks guys.....


I wanted to run my engine without the sensor due to the fact that I don't actually have a sensor......yet.


I have just finished rebuilding a wrecked engine and am still in the process of sourceing all the sensors.... I'm a bit over it, so am getting a little over eager.


I will take a chill pill and source a sensor.



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Hi guys,

Can I trick the ECU into thinking there is a knock sensor connected....(I know its not advised etc, just need the info)



If you leave it disconnected the ECU will pull timing and set a CEL. You will get poor milage and power but it will run.

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