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Anyone used Steel Seal for head gasket leak?

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Has anyone used a product called "Steel Seal" to deal with a head gasket leak problem? (www.steelseal.com)


I am fairly certain that the 2.5l engine in my '97 Legacy GT has developed a head gasket leak. A quick survey of trusted mechanics has brought me to the conclusion that replacing the head gaskets alone will cost me about $2,000.00. I don't want to even ask what a Subaru dealership would charge to replace the head gaskets.


I estimate that my '97 Legacy, without a head gasket problem, could sell for around $4,500 to $5,000. Given that this Legacy is nine years old and has just past the 93,000 mile mark, I'm not crazy about spending $2,000+ on it.


Am I asking for more trouble by using a product like Steel Seal? :banghead:


Any sound opinions and/or advice would be welcome? :)

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You can try anything. But my own experiences, being a neighborhood mechanic, is nothing fixes a gasket leak to the combustion chamber, be it to an oil passage or water jacket. Replacement is the only fix.


I have seen people throw all kinds of junk into their Mopars, Fords, GM's, Subaru's and other engines, but none fixed an internal head gasket leak.

I would also shop around for another price. If 2K were the price for gasket replacement, I would contact CCR and get a price for a replacement engine. At least there you have a 3/36K warrenty on the entire engine from a reputable company.

End of My $.02.

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to fix an internal head gasket leak in my 30 years of fleet management has been new gaskets.

The $2,000 is a city type price for this job but several folks have shown that even in an urban area you can shop around and do better.

I know that even if you get it down to $1200 the struggle is what is the car worth VS what I am going to spend. If the rest of your car is OK there should be another 100,000 miles in it, but you are the one who knows what you have.

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