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'84 "parts' Brat you judge.

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Ok, this Brat was on eBay a while ago. Well, it had such a dismal description that it looked like a perfect candidate for the many parts I needed for my '86 project. Hood, doors, trim, bumpers, roll bar, seats. Things that would have cost a small fortune to ship.


We rented a ya'll Haul and headed to PA to retrieve it. When we arrived 7 hours later, we looked at it and decided on the spot that it was no parts car.


We had had several conversations before bidding and told him that the parts were going to the '86... he sent 25 pictures but without touching, tapping, and banging, it can look pretty grim when you see heavy undercarriage rust. The parts that are rusted are easily replaced... mostly bolt on stuff.


I told the owner I wouldn't be able to cut this baby apart. He actually hugged me and had a tear in his eye. It made him glad we weren't going to hack into it and it would be totally restored to original. THIS is the Brat that will be nut for nut, bolt for bolt. Original.

So see my gallery (link below) and see if you agree that this car deserves total true restoration.

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I dont see any rust!



I just posted the undercarriage shots. It looks sooooo bad in the pictures. Surface rust can scare the bejezzus out of people. You have to knock and stab... like a dentist... youch! There is far worse than surface rust... this is the crunchy, flaky stuff. The jack-pods (outriggers) are toast, moustache bars bolts snapped on one side from the potholes when we hit them, it was chained down on the trailer by it. The exhaust was sitting on the floor of the trailer and the tail pipe is somewhere on the road. We MAY very well find some more serious problems once we dig deeper, but I think it's all fixable. The main frame looks pretty clean. Soooo... now judge.

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I'm going to be the voice of reason from someone who has been there.


It will take you 100's of hours to fix that rust. What we can see is bad. What we can't see is going to be worse. With the work-hours lost you could afford to ship a rust free AZ or CA brat many times over, and this one will never be as clean or original.


That said, it's a beautiful car. The body is straight which is a plus... and I would probably do it if I were in your position.


BUT it can really only ever be a "good enough" resto. That's just the nature of a NE car. Rust through every weld seem. POR15 is your friend.


Good Luck

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Mary, I hate to say it but I'm with 88HatchMonster on this. My son's '82 Brat is pristine compared to this one and I wouldn't even consider restoring it. There are NW and western Brats with body damage (or missing engines) that can be had for $500 or thereabouts with minimal undercarriage rust that could use the body parts that you have on this one for a true restoration. I can't imagine rust so bad that the mustache bar bolts would break off. The only way I would consider restoring this one is if the underbody and frame were rust free; then all the suspension parts and such could be replaced.

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You and your Brats = ;^)


It looks a lot like the one Moosens sold me only better.


Take the spare tire out and see if you find this like I did.




Yes that is the pass. side floor mat you see.


I like Hatchmonster's advice


Fix enough to make it safe and use it for the winter beater.

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"?? .?HatchMonster]I'm going to be the voice of reason from someone who has been there.


It will take you 100's of hours to fix that rust. What we can see is bad. What we can't see is going to be worse. With the work-hours lost you could afford to ship a rust free AZ or CA brat many times over, and this one will never be as clean or original.


That said, it's a beautiful car. The body is straight which is a plus... and I would probably do it if I were in your position.


BUT it can really only ever be a "good enough" resto. That's just the nature of a NE car. Rust through every weld seem. POR15 is your friend.


Good Luck


Time is always on our side. We spend 100's of hours between us, on the cars now. It's a cheap hobby. We're not the vacationing cruise types, nor fashion plates, nor do we go to the movies or even out to dinner. When we finish the '86 we'll take closer eyeball under the '84. Buy stock in POR-15!

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POR15 is your friend.


Just hold on to your pocket book when you get the POR15. It's a great product but quite pricey. Also, you can't paint over it without first painting it over with a special primer....then you can paint over it. I've got to hand it to you Mary, you've more patience than I have; you're probably better at it too. I don't mind the mechanical stuff so much but body work just drives me nuts.

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Just hold on to your pocket book when you get the POR15. It's a great product but quite pricey. Also, you can't paint over it without first painting it over with a special primer....then you can paint over it. I've got to hand it to you Mary, you've more patience than I have; you're probably better at it too. I don't mind the mechanical stuff so much but body work just drives me nuts.


He's serious. You're literally talking at least $300-400 in POR15 products to do a whole car.


The rotisserie sounds like a great idea. I get shivers just thinking about lying on my back for one more second under a rusty subie.

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POR15 is pricey but if it protects as well as it claims, then it's well worth it.


The undercarriage may be toast but now Tim has some pretty ambitious ideas bouncing around in his head for this car involving a Jeep? When he decides to do something it gets done before his head hits the pillow that night. A daily occurence around here. Some jobs take a little longer. Makes me crazy, he never stops...it's gotta be the Big Slam Mountain Dews.


'86's interior was done as of 4:15 this afternoon. It was just gutted yesterday morning.

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can you start a school for women that like subies......mine likes my brat, but doesn't realize that i could be alot worse(if i were into older domestic cars and such).....please,pretty please.......with sugar on top.......:lol:


LOL! I don't know jack about the mechanics of a car... well, a lot more than I did a couple of years ago.


Oh, before I forget, we finally uncovered the 4WD switch it has a plunger and two plastic connectors. When looking straight into the open part of the plug, it's shaped like a T. Make sense?

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Please just keep in mind there are


20-20 Rustorations


I am infamous for them


20 feet or 20 MPH they look real good - up close ...well



Yup, I remember you telling me that before... I actually put on my reading glasses while working. If I don't put them on, everything's just perfect as long as I stay within arm's length... beyond that things get real ugly. My eyes have "TMB Syndrome" (Too Many Birthdays) :(

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yep, makes sense.should work from any ea-81 4wd with the right plug...that is the deal, the plug.plunger size has always been the same on the ones i've seen.just different plugs.so you should be able to find one .if not let me know again;)


I had a post in the Wanted Classifieds a while back. I think you told me you had 2 types, a T and two wires. The switch on mine is snapped and the light is on all the time. I guess it's the T type... PM me a price with shipping to 01970. Thanks!

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