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it's an electriacal whine type noise only when the engine runs, even if the radio is off. Changes with rpm and sounds like a classic case of bad wires, even though 2 new sets were put on. Since I drive 1000 miles a week it's driving me nuts. It's louder when the lights or fan ac are on. but with everything off and the engine on, it's still there. It's not a whistle or leak.

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Please take my advice and stop throwing parts at a problem you havent even diagnosed fully. Instead of buying a $70 alternator you could have bought a $10 needle stethiscope and figured out what exactly is making this noise.

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I didn't pay for the alternator and other wires, they were swapped from another legacy. PROBLEM GREATLY MINIMIZED: don't know what the cause is but a 5 dollar choke from radio shack spliced into the powerline to the radio got rid of 90% of the whine. Seems something was getting through the system (even off) and was interfering all the way up to the speakers. Definately some sort of interference that was not there before, with no new items installed!!!

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Does your car have an antenna in a glass window? I think I read where those may have a remote amplifier of some type and could perhaps have failed/lost a ground or something. Or does your sound system have a remote amp that has lost a ground?

Even though your radio is off, try pulling the fuse too.


just guessing




1 Lucky Texan

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