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My 97 OBS has a slight hesitation/ jerking motion when cold. It usually occurrs upon take off under acceleration. After it warms up it seems to go away. Now this happened a few months back and i used some injector cleaner and it seemed to disappear. It has now returned. It does not happen every single time. Whats the next step.

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I know that the 2.5L of this era runs rich. I'm not sure if the 2.2L has the same issues or not. In general, I have not heard of it.


Some of us (including me) have had carbon build up, leading to a hesitation or stumbling when starting off from a light. It is only in the low revs, from idle to (say) 1000 rpm. If you put your foot into it, it acts just fine.


I had a MotorVac treatment done on my car and it solved the problem. (These treatments go by various names, usually running $75 to $100.) Over the counter stuff usually doesn't help if the build up is too severe. You could try Seafoam. It seems to do wonderful things. I have no experience with it myself.


Personally, I was shocked when the dealer offered up this explanation on my 97 OB (some years back). I do mostly highway driving and would not have expected such a problem with today's fuel injected computer controlled MAF sensing etc etc etc cars. Go figure.


I just re-read and noticed that you say only when cold. My problem was regardless of cold or warm. It could be several other things if it is only a situation evident when cold. What lead me down this path was your comment that the fuel injector cleaner seem to help. Let us know what you find out.



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