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Rear engine EA82 Drive in VW?


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I've been interested in VW Bugs, Dune Buggys and now Subarus and I've been thinking of building a rear engine drive from an EA82 into a VW Bug. My big question for you all, is what methods do people use to get the rear axle to rotate the right direction. I looked through some of the other threads and see All Talk has commented on this subject a bit and may have some good ideas. I liked his suggestion of considering using the stock Subaru transaxle and then connecting it to the rear wheels using VW bus gear reduction hubs which would have the dual benefits of reversing the directions as well as lower the speed allowing larger tires to be used.


Anyone have experience or thoughts on this kind of project?



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Hey Rollie


Most direct way is to use the Kennedy plate Craig mentioned, I'd mate it up to a later VW Bus trans or a Porsche box if you want it to last under spirited driving, these can be built up very strong if you need it.


To use the VW reduction boxes would require and lot of custom fab/machine work and if not engineered right might have the same harsh reverse torque reaction the stock ones do. But it could be done.



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Hey! That's pretty cool, The stock VW tranny is the best way to go. Just get the adaptor plate and bolt away. There will be no issues of power handeling for the VW tranny using an EA-81, unless yours is really worn. I currently use a stock german case in my bug. Though I have a porsche 930 close ratio sitting in my garage. The only reason I am going to switch to it, is so I can have a 5th gear, and get a decent time on the 1/4. because 4th gear will top out to early 3/4 the way down the track with my 195/50 R 15's :burnout:




And as you can see people are throwing in quite a bit of power on top of that tranny without issue. Call the tech guys at CBperformance there if you exact power handeling stats. Look at some of those Turnkey's 340+hp with a 8500 rpm rev 310 lb torque! PUMP GAS to boot!

You sure you want to frankenstien your Bug?

Your biggest issue with the bug is having to find a place to put the radiator. I have seen two nifty ones that put vents just behind the drivers and passengers doors, and used 2 smaller radiators with electric fans. This would require removal of the rear seat. If I come across a picture I will post it for you.




PEace, FIhsums

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree the stock VW tranny would allow you to stay VW style and have the correct rotation. Liquid cooled engines are better than old air cooled ones. The best place to put engine cooling (the radiator) is in the front. Run two steel tubes back to the engine then put hoses on. Feel good because the GT40 does this. Because I'm fairly well versed in engine performance (many years as a field sevice engineer) fell free to ask me!


If you want visit me on my site. www.trikerlee.com:)

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  • 1 month later...

i did this conversion last winter, i used an adapter plate and flywheel and kept the VW tranny. its a fairly straight forward swap. here are some pics for ya





and here is my new engine im putting in tomorrow......same ea82t but with a spyder intake, intercooler, k26 turbo, and an external wastegate


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Where did you put the radiator?

My 75 looks like about the same baja body kit as yours. I like the way the engine fits in there.


Where in BC are you? I'm about 20 miles south of the border near Bellingham. I may be interested in taking a closer look at it as I'm thinking of doing a similar conversion.



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I have the rad in the front of the car, i had a rear rad last year and it was really finicky, so i recently switched it....im gonna guess that it will work much better and it fits nice too. i got my new engine running today but i dont have everything finished just yet. i live in kamloops bc, about 4 hours north of bellignham. feel free to email me at tyrelneufeld84@hotmail.com with any questions!!

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