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Ok,Where is all the "Eastern" get togethers?

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Well I keep reading about the different runs here and get together there, but they seem to be on the wrong side of the tracks, the left side. what about the right side soobs?................just wonderin'. If I had the time I would love to drive to oregon, washington or montana. I would be worn out by the time I drove all that way......:-\



Just a thought......



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Well Darren,we've got a little problem here on the east coast.The people mostly suck.That's not to offend our people here on the USMB but Subaru owners on this coast could give a rat's tail about meeting each other and many could care less about keeping their car on the road more than 5 years anyways.



Actually,a small group gets together up this way at least a couple of times a year.We usually go to the NJ Pine Barrens for trail riding at least once,and maybe a party/get together for a cause here or there.And we've recently gathered at Carlisle PA,where they host mega national car shows.We meet there,or try to,the third weekend of May every year for the Import/Kit-Repli Car Show.Every year it's the third weekend of May.


We've kicked around a meet at OBX,which I feel is the true,most perfect place to get folks from Maine to Florida to attempt to make.It's a truely beautiful place,most of us on the east coast have been there or at least know of it's natural beauty and of course....DRIVING ON THE BEACH!!!!:headbang: I'm a surfcaster and windsurfer when I can make some time.I'd love to be back at OBX.



Also,there's the occasional yard run,but you running newer vehicles probably wouldn't be interested....mostly up in PA for that.

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Hey Moosens

I live in NJ... I dont think I would want to do an off road with my Sooby in the Barrens right now...Did it once with a Chev van... dont want to relive that experience again (know what its like to drive backwards in a windowless van for about a mile, while a Logger truck is comin at you!!!???)


Id be interested possibly in other meets... to say hi.... Been to Carlisle (pass thru)... would bve interested in learning more about the car show.. I have a friend who has a kit built car. He might be interested.


Anything else in NJ or PA?? Let me know.... duhh...What's OBX???




2kOB wagon


Well Darren,we've got a little problem here on the east coast.The people mostly suck.That's not to offend our people here on the USMB but Subaru owners on this coast could give a rat's tail about meeting each other and many could care less about keeping their car on the road more than 5 years anyways.



Actually,a small group gets together up this way at least a couple of times a year.We usually go to the NJ Pine Barrens for trail riding at least once,and maybe a party/get together for a cause here or there.And we've recently gathered at Carlisle PA,where they host mega national car shows.We meet there,or try to,the third weekend of May every year for the Import/Kit-Repli Car Show.Every year it's the third weekend of May.


We've kicked around a meet at OBX,.............

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We've kicked around a meet at OBX,:headbang: I'm a surfcaster and windsurfer when I can make some time.I'd love to be back at OBX.


You are now My new bestest soob friend!!!! I am from Atlantic Beach and I am a surfer turned Big time Kite Surfer now.

I havent been since last year, recouping from four broken ribs. (another story)

However its nice to know another beach lover soobie.

As far as the OBX "Outer Banks, NC" whoever was asking, I'm with you on that, I have 2 new outbacks however I am currently ISO an 81-82 brat to recondition.

As far as the kite surfing, my 12 yr old son has talked me into taking up kayaking, so here I go.

Please include me in any gatherings by the soobies in the future and if I can get off from work.

COnsider yourself added as a soob buddy!:headbang:

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;) So now you'll be shredding sitting down.:)



That kite surfing stuff,well,I don't know if I should be jealous/envious or what...I mean I sure can relate,and I can absolutely feel myself doing it when I watch,but I'm probably never going to try it unless somebody lends me their rig and gives me good hooch first.:lol: Just kidding,I'd do it sober,youbetcha!


No board right now but I sure wasn't going to give up my rigs.All I need is my next stick and back on a plane.


Making the time for OBX,that's my dilema.Perhaps if we combo'd up vacation time with our friends then we'd not have to go visit them inland (phooey!!!) and all be together where I'm in my element....the shore!OBX!!!Hope to see you around.




There's not much logging going on these days at the Barrens that I know of.I went at least two times last year,or was it three?I did a quicky on my way back from MD as well as two regular meets.We camp sometimes over at the Batso area.We've run into Enduro M/C events and a mega horse riding event,but no loggers so far.They probably aren't working on the weekends.My one weekday visit was quick but I did go all the way through from the ranger station at Atsion (where we start from on our meets) to the "village" on the other side.Was quiet,very quite.


Check the Meet/Greet forum for a PB meet this spring,if not sooner.


Keep healthy and we'll all see each other in the spring.


Carlisle is going to be a tough one again for me.Looking like my cousin's wedding on Saturday,but I'll most likely go down for Sunday if that's the case.

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meh... odds are trucks aren't driving on the weekends, maybe saturdays once in a while. anyways if you're gonna be driving up on logging roads and such, its a very BAD idea to go there without a cb radio. they haul rump roast and they use the radios to avoid accidents. just get a radio, turn to the channel posted for the road you're on and listen for their chatter and always know what milemarkers you're between. every half mile they usually say something such as "5 and a half going 6 on (roadname)" if they are heading to the landing or "7 going 6 and a half on (roadname), loaded" if they are heading back to the mill.

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meh... odds are trucks aren't driving on the weekends, maybe saturdays once in a while. anyways if you're gonna be driving up on logging roads and such, its a very BAD idea to go there without a cb radio. they haul rump roast and they use the radios to avoid accidents. just get a radio, turn to the channel posted for the road you're on and listen for their chatter and always know what milemarkers you're between. every half mile they usually say something such as "5 and a half going 6 on (roadname)" if they are heading to the landing or "7 going 6 and a half on (roadname), loaded" if they are heading back to the mill.



uhh,thanks for the advice but we're not talking about Maine or your neck of the woods.This is south Jersey and there really isn't much logging going on right now,trust me.If you knew what the Pine Barrens was like you'd understand.But thanks for your concern.


Also there's plenty of turn offs.I'm extremely familiar with the trails now and I can't think of a spot where there's no pull over access for anywhere near a mile.I'm thinking our friend in NJ took that Chevy can,I mean van,down the logger's trail a few years back,at least.


Road names??:lol: Nah,no road names there.You'd be smart to get the topographic map in this place.I paid the $15 or whatever it was and I swear it's the BEST way to navigate since there's no signs and little in the way of landmarks to get your bearings.


Last time we were there my son and I were there on Sunday after BlueBaja,LeakingOil,and hocrest went home on Saturday night.We found trails we'd missed and were able to find our way around super easy with the map and the sun in the sky.


But Frank (BlueBaja)is an excellent guide and kept the speeds REAL interesting!!:headbang: We were haulin' hyde on Saturday!We ate so much dust it was insane.

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uhh,thanks for the advice but we're not talking about Maine or your neck of the woods.


Logging trucks in Maine are crazy and they run 24/7!!! I do a lot of rally-type driving on logging roads in the summer and there is nothing scarier then seeing a logging truck barreling around a corner straight for you. CBs don't help much, they usually don't talk. You just gotta keep your eyes down and make sure you don't get to far sideways goin' around the big corners and leave your self enough time to straighten out and get out of the way.

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