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05 OB low beams out, replacement questions...

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I have done a search, and stumbled across a few posts indicating that there may be bulb issues in the 2005 Legacy/Outback, specifically that they tend to go out at inordinately high rates.


Well this has happened to my fiancees 05 Outback wagon. I did read in one post where it was suggested one should "make" the dealer do the replacement for free. I'm prepared to (try to) do that, but I have a couple of questions:


1: Instead of taking it to the dealer and having them replace the bulb with what I can only assume will be another bulb of the same questionable (? or is it a design issue?) quality, would it be worth it, in your opinions, to install some aftermarket bulbs?


2: If so, what is the max wattage the factory harness can handle? I see the OEMs are 55W, could I put in 65W without problems? Or would the 65W bulbs just get her harrassed by cops? (The factory bulbs seem pretty good as far as output, so I'm not looking to push it if it could get us in trouble.)


3: Would running Xenons be alright? I'm looking at the Hella Xenon H7s on Rallylights.com. If those aren't decent bulbs, have you guys found any H7's you can recommend?


4: How hard are the housings to get off? Will it be self explanatory once I get out there working on it, or are there things I need to know? I know not to touch the bulbs, etc. I mean are there any tips for these housings will help me out? How many screws/clips and where they are, etc.


Thanks a million guys.

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Then I guess if I do it myself, I'll get 55W bulbs. Like I said, I don't want to push anything.



I had a low beam go out on one of the bulbs on my 05 OBW XT. A dealer, (not the one a bought the car through) replaced it no questions asked - the car is still under the 36K warranty.


There have been numerous reports/complaints that a high number of these bulbs are failing, and failing early (in addition to this board, do a search over on Edmunds.com in the Subaru forums). I'm not sure I'd recommend a higher power bulb replacement - I'm already getting flashed ocassionally by oncoming traffic that think I have the high-beams on (yes, I did have the alignments checked by the dealer).


I'd be interested too if anyone has suggestions for a different bulb brand replacement.

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I've had 2 replaced, driver side at less than 11K miles and then passenger at less than 13K miles, both at no charge no questions asked.


The service tech told me that they've replaced *loads* of headlights on the '05 Outbacks.


Probably most dealers now accept it as Suby's fault, but even if it's even cheap and easy to do myself, I will make a point of having the dealer do it, and if they burn out again after it's out of warranty and they give me *any* grief, I will pitch a fit!


I hope Subaru is smart enough to continue to eat the cost of the replacements. This is my first Suby. I want to like my dealership enough to want another one someday.

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  • 1 month later...

Replaced my own driver's side low at 11,000 miles. Found I had to pull the plastic ,phillips, screw out of the window-wash water bottle and move it to one side. It's really easy; a couple easily moved spring wires, a plastic ring and the bulb practically falls out. Just remember where the notch on the bulb housing is so you can line up the new bulb. You'll need a flashlight.


Found out later that Subie would have done it for me for free. Checked my warranty and, sure enough, if I still had my original receipt and old bulb, they probably would have paid me out. At least I would have asked for another bulb from them to stick in the tire bucket for a spare. Keep in mind that if you buy your own and put it in, it's no longer a Subaru warranted part and they won't replace it if it blows tomorrow.


I used a 55w GE and I notice it is brighter than the stock low on the passenger's side.


One more thing, I checked out what it would be like to replace ANY bulb on the passenger's side and that would suck. Looks like the air filter box would need to come up/out. I'd have Subie do that one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonder if one could simply bring in a GE bulb of same wattage and ask dealer to put it in under warrenty? Like I said, the left side would be a b...ear.


Also, when carefully reading my manufacturer's warranty, the wiper blades are under warrenty for at least the first year. Who'd o' figured? I replaced mine at 7,000 miles.


You can't purchase an aftermarket wiper arm off the shelf because of the 'wind-hold wing' on the OEM blade. Subie wanted $19 for one, I gave them $5 for rubber replacement and put it in myself. I know the parts guy knew it was still under warranty. That burns me. I'm taking it in tommorrow and having them put on a new passanger-side blade before my first year is up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the driver-side bulb went out again on my 05, 2nd time in 6 months. Replaced this afternoon under warranty at local dealer. :banana:


Note: The tech today mention that there was a recall that was sent out for second half 05 model year for this - anyone receive one? I had moved and if a recall did go out, it may have never been forwarded to the new address.


And I was told that the first replacement bulb which just died, was an after-market bulb, not a genuin Subaru bulb. This bulb had been replaced by a dealer in Northern MN when I was vacationing. Apparently the Subaru bulbs have a blue colored base, and are either a sylvania or philips manufacture brand. Any bulbs without a blue color base are an after-market.


For whatever difference it makes. :rolleyes: An FYI.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Note: The tech today mention that there was a recall that was sent out for second half 05 model year for this - anyone receive one? I had moved and if a recall did go out, it may have never been forwarded to the new address.


According to my.subaru.com, my vehicle has had no recalls issued on it. (If you're not a member, try it. It's free and it tracks service and recalls etc.)

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Never got a recall on mine. Haven't moved or anything. I'm sure mine is a "second-half-of-year" '05.


Just a thought, though, if this is an admitted problem, wouldn't you think that they would be replacing them in pairs? I mean to say, isn't there a chance that both OEM bulbs could blow before someone makes it home some night?


Anyone had them both replaced under warranty when only one was blown? Anyone just driven in and told them you weren't going to wait until they both blow to limp in and have them replaced and ask them to replace them while they are still working? I think Subie should start replacing them both at the same time. Obviously they believe that both OEM bulbs could go at once.


Sure, one could limp in on fog lights (wouldn't want to risk a ticket for highbeam abuse), but no one paying $23,000+ for a car should have to take that risk.



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Juan I thought of that on my home (unfortunately, not while I was still there). When I was thinking I'd have to replace them myself, I was going to do both at the same time, just because that's how I do things. They're very easy to replace...and not expensive. I'd bet if your dealership is a good dealership, they'd replace both for you.

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Juan I thought of that on my home (unfortunately, not while I was still there). When I was thinking I'd have to replace them myself, I was going to do both at the same time, just because that's how I do things. They're very easy to replace...and not expensive. I'd bet if your dealership is a good dealership, they'd replace both for you.


The passanger side wasn't a problem to replace? Did you have to re/move the air filter intake to get to it?



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I'm sorry Juan, I didn't actually replace them. I mentioned if I had to replace them myself, I'd do both. I see the obstacles you're talking about, but I don't think it would be too much to get them out of the way. Not a plug-and-go anymore, but shouldn't be too difficult. But I guess I'll never know until I get past 3 years/36,000 miles!

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I'm sorry Juan, I didn't actually replace them. I mentioned if I had to replace them myself, I'd do both. I see the obstacles you're talking about, but I don't think it would be too much to get them out of the way. Not a plug-and-go anymore, but shouldn't be too difficult. But I guess I'll never know until I get past 3 years/36,000 miles!


Gotcha. Gotta love that Subie warranty.



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